Define Pups Meaning

Short for "pickups" in guitar lingo. One pickup is a "pup".

I swapped out the stock pups for a pair of '59s.
By Tedda
Refering to a group of 2 or more people.

'Bit O' that Pups' or 'Alright Pups, hows it goin?'
By Joann
Pup Pup
An endearment towards a puppy dog, or any dog who acts like a puppy.

The service repairman came to our house and our boxer pup was right there, waiting for a pet, or a scratch behind the ears. "Pup pup! Come here, you!" Calmed our "pup pup" right down:)
By Hannah
A shaved male Shi Tzu that looks like a beagle puppy. He's an adult male that looks like a puppy but isn't one, he just has a babyface.

Jon: Look at that cute Pup!
Jessica: Come here puppy!
Jon: No no, he's a PUP. He's an adult shaved male Shi Tzu and looks like a beagle puppy.
Jessica: Oohhh it does suit him.

"My Pup is 13 years old and still looks like a puppy!"
By Seline
A word originating in the dangan and gurteen areas that has taken galway like wild-fire. It is defined as a person who undertakes needless and comical troublemaking against a friend purely for their own and the people around them's amusement.

Darragh was messing with my laptop again, he is an awful PUP
By Celle
Pupped It
Esp of males. To do something which lets down ones images. Particularly
1. To throw up after a drinking or smoking binge
2. To go to home early

Oh mate! Tester's pupped it!
Well he did drink a f***ing lot
By Olenka

John let one go - Wendy said ''errr have you pupped?''
By Lorrin
a younger man/boy that an older woman is involved with sexually. He is a pup because he is still trainable, unlike a "dawg".

Every girl should have a Pup! My Pup is almost fully trained.
By Ninette
adj. Origin "puppy" another word of saying someone is cute.

Yesterday, I saw a girl that looked super pup; she had good style and a pretty face.
By Maighdiln
1. A term relating to the act of having sex.

"Mind you, I might have pupped her myself before I went to Germany, but who could tell? And if she gave birth to something with red hair and a pug nose there was liable to be talk...."-Harry Flashman - "Flash for Freefrom"
By Deerdre