Define Shit Breath Meaning

Shit Breath
When the foul stench emanating from one's gob is so potent, that it will actually cause an immediate involuntary gag reflex, burn your eyes, and make you want to pack your sinus cavity with rotting skunk carcasses just to mask the smell.

As soon as I opened the door to the lab, Fred's shit breath hit me in the face like a sac of hammers, even though he was about 80 feet away. That, my friends, is potent shit breath.
By Hynda
Shit Breath
Weapons-grade halitosis.

His breath smelled like rotten eggs, double dipped in shit and deep fried in sulfur.

He was commonly called shit breath in the office.
By Cathlene
Shit Breath
When a person's breath smells like it is coming off a turd from their ass.

I think Kaito had shit for lunch. His shit breath is worse than my dog and he licks his own ass.

Walsh you have some serious shit breath. Your breath is kickin like Bruce Lee.
By Tanya
Shit Breath
smelled like you ate sum shit. didnt brush your teeth for days.

damn.... homie u have sum shit breath.
By Morganica
Shit Breath
Fairly self explanatory. Someone who`s breath smells like shit. Usually caused by bad mouth/throat hygiene. Halitosis is the correct medical term.

"Hey shit breath, Have you been eating your own Pooh again?"
By Shanda
Shit Breath
someone who's breath smells like your ass

By Deidre
Shit Breath
When someones breath smells so bad, it's like hot, burning garbage. When you can't stand to talk to, sit next to, or even be around someone because their breath smells like a big dog just took a dump in their mouth.

Oh boy, everyone turn your head, here comes Shit Breath!!!!
By Nanete
Shit Breathe
This word came straight from Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada. The Don of the Ubdergrove's had never brushed his teeth, thus creating the shit breathe.

You've got the shit breathe, a shnagga doan, you've got the shit breathe shnagggggga doana.
By Liliane
Shit Breath
some one usually a loner who has breath like a fat man's farts ususally caused by tooth decay or eating eggs

Excuse me please stop talking to me you have very bad shit breath
did you know that tooth paste can stop shit breath
By Steffi
Shit Breath Sandwiched
Having to sit between two people who's breath smells like they've eaten a dead festering skunk that's been deep fried in camel shit.

I arrived late at training today. The only seat available was between Houghton and Coughlan. I was truly shit breath sandwiched. They nearly melted my face off when they started talking to each other.
By Gillian