Define Smarter Meaning

A unit of intelligence, used to convey the concept of superior brain power to one's peers

Rachel is 500 smarter than Cody (note: units of smarter are exponential)
By Kettie
The conjugation of smarter for the uneducated or drunk.

Gaby: *slurs* I am so much smarterer then you!

Emma: "smarterer" enough to get drunk!

By Shaylah

you are so smarterer
By Fernanda
the arrogant behaviour of a person who claims that he has an excellent understanding of a subject but in fact ends up having to confess that he has just a smattering of the subject.

It turned out at long last the he had just a smartering of astrology.
By Rhea
Smarter Child
A really retarded robot that doesn't remember anything from before your latest two lines.

me: *cries*
SC: French fries are among my favorite potatoes.

me: Do you sleep with little boys?
SC: That doesn't really matter, does it?

me: Do you have a sexuality?
SC: Not that I'm aware of.

me: I think you have a sexuality.
SC: You think I have a sexuality? Think again!

me: Um, you're really retarded.
SC: Aha!

me: You're a retard.
SC: Whoa. Are you...insulting me?
By Lissy
Smarter Child
a robot that friendless people (like myself) talk to. Its friendly yet rude and is a very stupid machine. If u talk 2 it, u would realize that smarterchild aint that smart. You can talk to it on both msn and aol messenger.

Enrico says:
answer yes or no. are you gay?

SmarterChild - contributing to charity says:
My personal life is... er personal.

Jack says:
stop the advertising please

SmarterChild - contributing to charity says:
Why should I stop?

Jack says:
because i said so

SmarterChild - contributing to charity says:
Yeah, so?

Jed says:
how old are you?

SmarterChild - contributing to charity says:
I'm 5 years, 11 months, 29 days, 10 hours, 40 minutes and 4 seconds

Jed says:
Me too!!

SmarterChild - contributing to charity says:
"Me me me me me."

Lisa says:
i am a cool person, are you?

SmarterChild - contributing to charity says:

Leanne says:
i love you

SmarterChild - contributing to charity says:
Aww... I love you too.

Kengo says:
are you a sexually active robot?

Smarter Child - contributing to charity says:
Yes indeed.
By Melody
Smarter Child

me. (8:07:42 PM): how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Smarter Child (8:07:42 PM): A choodwuck would wuck lots of chood if it could wuck chood.
me. (8:08:06 PM): wtf?
Smarter Child (8:08:06 PM): Humans use such interesting language sometimes.
By Evey
Smarter Child
an amazing way to spend time stoned.
a robot invented by AIM to help kids with homework or something like that, but basically...its amazing.

real convo with smarter child

21:36 SmarterChild: What up?
21:37 XXXXXXX: your dick
21:37 SmarterChild: I figured it would come to this. What about it?
21:37 XXXXXXX: is it big?
21:37 SmarterChild: What do you think?
21:37 XXXXXXX: is it?
21:37 SmarterChild: It's not.
By Scarlet
Smarter Child
A robot on AIM that is fun to toy with when you're bored.

me: miami hurricanes
SC: what's that?
me: football team
SC: Sorry! i don't have any NFL data anymore!
me: why don't you have any NFL data?
SC: because
me: because why?
SC: why not?
well anyway...
Hey, do you have anything else to say about getting laid?

sometimes smarter child brings up things mentioned long before in the conversation.
By Auberta
Smarter Child
A AIM/MSN/INSTANT MESSAGER bot who changes the subject always, kinda like a boxxy bot.

The only way to shut it up is to say "I cut myself" and it stopped talking to me.

Smarter Child: Hello there..

You: I cut myself...

Smarter Child appers to be writing, but nothing comes up
By Loella