Define Sporks Meaning

1) one or more spork.
2)weapon of mass distruction used in the middle east.
3)warning beakon to aliens (primarily named abokido)

1) i have 453 sporks.
2) no, we have not found the sporks in afghanistan yet.
3) look abokido, they have giant sporks, they're ok by me!
4) oh almighty sporks, tell me what to do.
5) take these sporks in your eyes!!!
By Bobbe
To Spork
To have an erection while spooning.

While Jane laid as the little spoon, John laid as big spoon behind her. John got excited and Jane could feel him sporking her with his erection.

"To spork" is to cuddle in that gray area between spooning and forking.
By Zora
intr.v. Spork, Sporked, Sporks, Sporking. 1) The act of completely humiliating or obliterating someone verbally, in written/typed form, or any other media. 2) Forum section on containing a database of humiliating and obliteratory messages directed towards anti-supporters of the website. (Created by Essix and The Cake God, respectively)

You've been Sporked!™, courtesy of
By Germana
The act of spooning with the addition of an erection.

we fell asleep... then when i woke up in the morning, he was totally sporking me!
By Corine
What happens when a spoon and fork love each other very much.

The fork and the spoon were in the draw for a few weeks and when I opened it, it was full of sporks.
By Ronica
And on the 8th day, God decided that Adam and Eve needed a multipurpose silverware item. Thus, the spork, a combination of the prongede wrath of the fork and the carrying capacity of the spoon. Sporks are thought to be the most holiest of silverware. They are the only ones possible of freeing us from the evil clutches of the finger foods. There only weakness is that they can't stay outside after 12:00 on the night of the summer solstice.

Spork, God's true gift to men.
By Haily
Little plastic utensil; rounded like a spoon only with tiny spikes. Found in most 'ready to eat' pasta pots, fruit salads etc.

Stove thought that the word 'Spork' related to a structure found on a bicycle wheel. It doesn't though; Stove was wrong.
By Loralee
spork:a combination of a spoon and a fork
sporked: to be jabbed or prodded with one or more sporks
sporker: one who uses a spork for pleasure alone or for humourous reasons within a group.
sporking: a game involving a group of people with sporks who chase after fat kids, saying they will eat them.
sporkage: someone who has just been sporked by a group of rowdy sporkers.
sporkness: to resemble a spork
sporkification, sporkified: process and product of morphing into a spork

sporkage: that fatass just had some extreme hardcore sporkage back there by those rowdy sporkers.
By Erica
To Spork
To have an erection while spooning.

Jane laid as little spoon and John laid as big spoon behind her. John got excited and Jane could feel him sporking her with his erection.

"To spork" is to cuddle in that gray area between spooning and forking.
By Millie
A line by line critical analysis of fanfiction, typically of the Utterly Horrible or occasionally So Bad It's Good variety. Derived from the term "Sporking one's eyes out", implying that the fic is so bad that most people would prefer to attack their own eyes with sporks rather than read it. Also the verb for performing such an analysis.

Bob: What's wrong with Dan? He seems really out of it.
George: He's been Sporking "My Immortal" for the past hour. We're waiting for his brain to recover.

(An example of a Sporking: das-sporkingdotlivejournaldotcom/561dothtml)
By Modesty