Define Spreadin' Meaning

Chillin' out so hard you're basically spreadin' all over the place.

- Hey, wat'cha doin'?

- Nothin'. Just spreadin'.
By Fayina
Gluteal Spreadinitis
The spreading of the gluteus maximus in women when they out grow their teen years. When a women eats too much and her ass grows larger and larger.

My ex-wife was stricken with Gluteal Spreadinitis after eating too many Twinkies and Ho-Ho's.
By Sophi
Spreadin' The Jelly
When someone is extremely jealous of how cool you are, they might start "spreadin' the jelly" in response

Friend 1: "did you hear about the cow that lost her babies?"
Friend 2: "yeah, now she's 'decaffeinated'! ahahah!!"

Bystander: you guys are stupid

Friends 1 and 2: man, don't be spreadin' the jelly, you know you wanna be us
By Nana
Spreadin Ham
Spreading your ass cheeks while having sex. Spreading your ass cheeks while taking a shit. Basically spreading your ass cheeks for any reason.

Oh look! Mark is spreadin ham behind that tree.
By Starr
Spreadin' The Taco Butter
(v) To masterbate

By Karrie
Spreadin' Rim

The two cowboys proceeded on horseback up the mountain, knowing full well their saddles wouldn't be the only things spreadin' rim that evening.
By Ashla
Spreadin The Love
A handshake occurring after masturbating, but before washing one's hands.

Greg just masturbated.
Greg did not wash his hands.

20 minutes later Greg meets Larry (Handshake)
Greg was just Spreadin the Love.
By Carmen
Stop Spreadin' Those Rumors
A cartoon song from the disney show The Proud Family. The song is now a tiktok trend for telling people bad rumors.

Trump supporters when you bring up trump's endless amount of sexual assault and misconduct allegations, @stop spreadin' those rumors around
By Kris