Define Sudo Meaning

Put in front of any word, spoken or writen, and it will command anyone to do anything you want them to do.

This command line may only work with linux geeks, if it doesn't work for you, you do not love Tux enough!

Man: Get me my beer
Woman: No, get it yourself
Man: Sudo Get me my beer
Woman: ffs I hate being compelled to get it.
By Berget
A Linux/UNIX command (short for SuperUser DO) allowing a user to execute a command that normally only the superuser (root) can perform.

I never login to my server as root, so I had to use sudo to reset your password.
By Star
The word "sudo" is a Linux/UNIX command (short for SuperUser DO) allowing a user to execute a command that normally only the superuser (root) can perform. In the real world, this can also mean "Shut Up and Do as Ordered".

KID: Mom, make me a sandwich!
MOM: But you've already eaten!
user@ubuntu:~$ apt-get install package-name
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root?
user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install package-name
sudo password for user: ****
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
By Emera
Short for 'Sudanesse' and describes a black sudanese person who is involved in criminal activity such as; running through houses, mobbing shops, rollin ya mates and bashing pregnant women

"Just saw a bunch of sudos bash an elderly lady before eating her pet dog, man, this shits fucked."
By Michaeline
'Kind of' or 'sort of'

I sudo slept in this morning.
By Katharine

"What about sudo man? How are we gonna get that? You think the meth fairy is just gonna bring it to us?”
By Marlo
A Sudanese immigrant! Particularly one who lives in Australia who commits petty crime and doesn't have a job!

"Did you see that sudo stealing from Woolworths"
"Those sudos are real problem perhaps we should send them back to sudo land"
By Frankie
Racist slang for Sundanese people. Popular with alt-right in Australia.

Australian bogan: "I heard someone say "Sudos are welcome, so I king punched him"
By Eve
One who complains endlessly, possibly in frustration of only having one testicle

Man that faggot is Sudoing about priests again
By Binnie
An intricate Japanese puzzle that involves a series of numbers, and a vagina

Really!...Urbandictionary. You let me submit Sudo-Cunt?
By Edi