Define The Urban Meaning

Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban

Yo! This guy broke the urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban chain and made urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban instead!
By Sisile
Urban Urban Urban
When you’ve already typed in “Urban” and “Urban Urban” and are seeing how far it goes

“It includedUrban Urban”, I wonder if it has “Urban Urban Urban”, let’s see”
By Malva
Urban Urban
When your in class and get bored of searching up urban on the urban dictionary so you do the only logical thing you can do... search it up twice.

Me: there’s nothing good on the urban dictionary anymore.
Friend: have you tried looking up urban?
Me yeah I’ve done that many times.
Friend: what about urban urban.
Me: your a genius!
By Christa
Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban
the eighth iteration

the definition of urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban is out now
By Joelie
Urban Urban Urban Urban
This is a term used when you're checking how much the "urban" string goes but someone called you down for lunch and you came back and forgot about checking. Then you remember it sometime when you're staring into your phone at night.

By Lanna

I wonder how urban dictionary is defined in the urban dictionary. hmmm. "urban....clicks enter"
By Clair
It's this web sites name but with a twist, so this has to something with it's funny as shit terms of service

so kiddos don't do drugs, they're bad

By Desiri
Playing in the outdoors in an urban setting - parks, open space, trails, walking between art galleries, museums, and shops; dining al fresco - anything without a ceiling. Just because you live in the city doesn't mean you have to be a couch potato!

Chet - "It's a beautiful day and we're here in town - let's go to some galleries and stuff!"

Kay - "Yeah, let's do some intense urbaneering."
By Shirleen
A suave and charming person. Kind and courteous.

The man was incredibly urbane and I enjoyed his company.
By Kaila
1. Relating to, affected by, or resembling city lifestyle or any urban thingy
2. A person whose outlook is urbanized

1. Do you enjoy urbanic music more than the classics?
2. If she's not from the jungle, then she's definitely urbanic.
By Angeline