Define W3rd Meaning

like word, only more 1337

w3rd up y0!
w3rd to that~
By Henka
its means to agree with some one

nik:dude that sucked hard
kyle:w3rd yo
By Jacquenetta
One of the many ways to spell the word that sounds like 'word'. There are many different meanings and each meaning has a different spelling. The word w3rd refers to the 'that was dope' side of the meaning. When someone does something cool one would reply with 'w3rd'. Similar words would be 'werd', 'whurd', 'wird', 'ward', 'whard', etc. There are many different words, and they all have specific meanings.

Guy one: Shizzle my nizzle my brother. That was stupid fresh, don't you think?
Guy two: W3rd!
Guy four: Thanks guys!
By Clio
Used by gamers to indicate agreement. A substitute for "word," it can be typed with only the left hand, leaving the right to remain on the mouse.

Gamer 1: heading around the left, you go right
Gamer 2: w3rd
By Kaia
word-sweet,very cool, right on, thats sounds good,ok

By Aleen

Jizzohn: yo, that sucks
Piamp: w3rd
By Libbi
Greeting... To say "hi" to a friend.

W3rd Mah Hommeh
By Vera
Some thing that has little or no significance.

w3rd to your mother's father and all of his followers!
By Ceciley
A gamer response for agreeing. :D

By Willy