Define Workbench Meaning


Chester has a new workbench where he {bounces} with his wife all night long.
By Georgette
Electronics Workbench
Programmed in pure java, compiled with a piece of Mr. Pizzo's soul it is the ultimate in home computer electronic simulation

load up Electronics Workbench kids, im taking over in 5 minutes.
By Eugenie
Workbench Ads
Workbench ads | A ad with a Workbench thing... What's the point?

Ad error. ( workbench ads )
By Ann
Face Like A Welder's Workbench
Used to describe a person who may not generally be considered among the very beautiful.

"Ooh she's nice..."
"What you talking about, she's got a face like a welder's workbench!"
By Quinn
Ethan Workbench
Someone of totally-opposite mentality and life-experience compared to that lazy rich-kid character who was all over the news a few years ago.

Some of the Ethan Workbenches of the world may suffer from indigencetion and otherwise have a boring and/or financially-rough existence, but at least they tend to know the true value of basic decency and responsibility, plus they generally don't go around tilting their noses in the air or steamrolling innocent victims in their father's Ford F-350 after drunkenly playing "spin the bottle" till all hours!
By Barbara-Anne