Define Aaheli Meaning

Aaheli is really a sweet and beautiful person. Most of the girls whose name is aaheli is tall. She choses 1 boy out of 100 amd can have the longest crush on a single boy. She will take care of the person she loves till the end of of her life. She is soft hearted and loves a person very soon.

Hey. She is aaheli..she is so beautiful
By Lane

By Reine
A high school located in Neptune, Monmouth County, NJ.
Allied is a small health-centered school for the academically inclined, aspiring doctors, etc. It is located in Neptune, which is a damn shithole.
The student body consists of anime watching Asians, over cliquey white kids, pot dealers and ecig users. It is a small school, about 270 students, which gossip and spread shit faster than any other group of human beings. The rare hot girl or playboy do stray to these parts, to where they pursue their future as a raging slut. The white kids that group together have lots of parties, where they can drink alcohol, smoke, and slut around for fun, all while talking shit about each other. The school day consists of Indians and Asians competing for the best grade, as the white kids are too busy not giving a fuck. Some kids will eventually OD on anime and will proceed to be rejected and outcasted by the student body. Deodorant users are scarce in the halls of Allied. The lack of showering, in combination with curry eating, results in the stankiest damn school that has been established thus far.

Most people smell like ass.

There is no sports team, thank god, because allied-goers are quite the unathletic fucks.

On a closing note, if you like drugs, girls, and alcohol, then you should probably attend an Allied party.

Guy 1: hey man cool ecig

Guy 2: thanks I bought it from an AAHS kid. What a fucking egotistical douche.
Girl 1: hey are you goin to the allied party?

Girl 2: yeah I am, we should totally fake being drunk so we can hook up with 17 guys

Girl 1: wow great idea!

Guy 1: hey (insert unpronouncable name), after we get home from Allied, wanna come over so we can study and then jerk each other off to hentai?

Guy 2: damn right I do!!
By Jeanna
Means someone, usually female, is in exceptional pleasure; usually found in pornographic manga.

Tl;dr what moaning sounds like

Sam: Hardy daddy, aah~
Fred: What the fuck this is history class
By Cybill
a great guy who is anywhere from 5'11-6'2
laughs at people falling (especially in lunch rooms)
is muscular (in the upper body)
loves married (or engaged) women
loves the boondocks
shoots on the way down
says "ohhhhh damn" in a high pitched voice
and needs to jump-stop more

"aahed! jump stop on that last one!" -D.A.
By Susana

That guy I had sex with is an AAH
By Sophi
this is a representation of what a monkey says

OOH OOH AAH AAH the monkey said
By Doll

Q: "Pass the hot sauce".
A: "Aah-ite"

"You have the right to remin silent"

By Adrianna
Aah, Flowers!
An exclamation of commiseration with unkind connotations, used when something bad happens to someone. Originally coined due to the presence of flowers on the side of the road to mourn a roadside mortality.

Jack: "Someone broke into my house"

Jill: "Aaaah, flowers!"
By Anabelle
Say Aah
satisfaction one receives after opening her mouth. usually on birthdays. can refer to drinking and/or oral sex.

Hey girl its your birthday, open wide i know your thirsty say aah.
By Gilberte