Define Benevolence Meaning

an inclination to be kind and helpful or generous

By Micaela

1. desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness.

2. an act of kindness; a charitable gift.

1. The man acted with benevolence toward the homeless.

2. The woman gave the starving dog some food.
By Atlante
Wishing or doing good.

In old age, Carnegie used his wealth for benevolent purposes, donating large sums to found libraries and schools.
By Jenn
(n)a person that helps someone else

Yo, that guy helped me, he's a very benevolent person
By Tiffie
The Act Of Allowing A Debt To Be Repaid Over Time Through An Exchange Of Reduced Prices.

He has given me some Benevolence on my crack debt
By Alanna
Used on the film "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" when Kumar in a whore house.

He calls 2 prostitutes benevolent. They think it means to fuck a person so hard that their dick is going to be sore for 2 weeks.

Harold- Do you know what benevolent means?

Prostitute- Yes we do, It means we're gonna fuck you so hard your dicks gonna be sore for 2 weeks.

Harold- That is exactly....exactly what it means.
By Harrie
Benevolent Overlord
a phrase used by WACE exam writers to fuck over innocent ATAR students who have been dazed after seeing some thicc body builders ass, a sister let her brother drown and a guy hype up video games.

student 1: i wrote my composing on how respectful my boss was.

student 2: wtf what question did you do?

S1: “some say bossy, i say benevolent overlord”

S2: hold up, the fuck does benevolent mean?
By Renelle
Benevolent Asshole
(noun) a person who performs a charitable act for non-assholes, while at the same time being an asshole toward other assholes.

When traffic is merging down to a single lane, and assholes are using a partial lane to cut traffic, a benevolent asshole will block the partial lane, while maintaining his/her rightful place in line, thus preventing other assholes from cutting in line.
By Kipp
Benevolent Overlord
Amelia's Dog. Aka Rat Dog, Rat King, King Rat, Ollie, Benevolent Overlord.

The Benevolent Overlord is king of Rat City.
By Gwennie
Benevolent Interfering
Also known as Matchmaking: When a group of friends has an URST ridden pair and the rest of the group sets them up in various ways for them to be alone and hopefully work out their tension by talking , kissing, or something much more fun.

Girl: "Thank you guys for interfering between me and Nathan."

Friend: "We didn't interfere per se, it was...matchmaking."

Boy: "Also known as benevolent interfering. Thank you. Don't do it again."
By Hermione