Define Bfdi Meaning

Battle for Dream Island is an American animated web series about a competition between inanimate, anthropomorphic objects. It was created by Cary Huang and Michael Huang. It premiered on January 1, 2010, and is currently airing its fourth season. The entire series is uploaded on YouTube, on the channel Jacknjellify.

Did you watch the new BFDI episode yet?
By Betta
An internet show starring living objects as the characters. The show has been released in 2010 and its latest episode (This definition was written in 2016, Dec 25) was in 2016.

have you seen the latest episode of BFDI yet?
By Jilleen

I am so sad that pencil was eliminated from BFDI. She was my favorite character. At least ice cube is still in!
By Sabina
Battle For Dream Island (BFDI)
A show where 21 contestants fight for dream island The winner gets to decide who gets to come in and who doesn't

By Dru
Some cool YouTube series with animated objects that can be asses

Yo, have you watched BFDI? I don't recommend it. It's stupid.
By Emelyne

Person 1) Have you watched BFDI yet?
Person 2) Yeah itโ€™s so awesome!!
By Christine