Define Dream Island Meaning

Dream Island
It's the prize of a online show called Battle For Dream Island. For info, the island includes a 5 star hotel, a casino, and has robot service. You can decide who can go inside the island.

I want to go to Dream Island because it has many cool stuff, and I want my friend (person's name) to join too!
By Ketty
Dream Island
An island where people hang out and when you enter other people of your choice can go in as well

I will let dan into Dream Island.
By Halley
Battle For Dream Island
Battle for Dream Island, abbreviated to BFDI, is the first season of the Battle for Dream Island series, first premiering on January 1, 2010.

The first object show, Battle for Dream Island.
By Winna
Battle For Dream Island (BFDI)
A show where 21 contestants fight for dream island The winner gets to decide who gets to come in and who doesn't

By Paige