Define Big Kids Meaning

Big Kids
Big Kids is a group of incredible friends. They are always there when you need them. Each member is extremely loved in the group. The Big Kids will provide you with your daily dose of serotonin. Clowning 24/7 is an important task for them.

Did you know that the Big Kids are also known as the greatest team that the world has ever seen?
By Kellyann

Parent: Pull up your Pull-Ups honey
Child: I'm a BIG KID now!
By Malorie
Big Kid Job
A Big Kid Job is one's first job upon completing college or some other form of higher learning. Essentially, this job is the beginning of an actual career rather than continuing along a string of shitty, unprofessional, or unskilled positions.

"Hey man, did you guys hear that Bob just got his first big kid job? No more boozing until 3 AM on Wednesdays for him . . ."
By Bellanca
Big Kid Pants
What a lot of people need to put on.

"Put on your big kid/girl/boy pants" means that the person who is being referred to is being immature and childish and won't man up.

"Matt challenged Jim to a fight for insulting his mother."

"I heard he wasn't going to show."

"Really? Jim needs to put on his big kid pants and take responsibility for his stupid actions."
By Chrystel
Big Kid Stuff
Let' do these drugs.

Hey man, I just went down to the getting store, so lets go do this big kid stuff.
By Cherri
Big Kid Stuff
Stuff big kids do. like teenagers. Which would be have sex, make out, get high and wasted.

Guy: Wanna do some big kid stuff?;)
Girl: sure, yolo..;)
By Jennette
Geejew In Big Kid Faction
a person that eminates the energy of a geejew in the server known as Big Kid Faction

woah, hes such a geejew in big kid faction!
By Conny
I'm A Big Kid Now

By Greta
Big D & The Kids Table
A Ska group from Boston, MA. They have now a new album called How it Goes. They always make videoclips with less than 10 bucks. They are AWSOME!!

A: Where you went last nignt?
B: I went to the best show of my life
A: What group?
B: You're dumb or what? Big D & the Kids Table, Off course!
By Lishe
Big On The Kid
when a female is sexually attracted to a male

Jason: Yo, that girl just gave you a look while you were doing pushups.
John: You think she's big on the kid?
By Margaret