excessive complaining without a specific reason and without the will to change something.
if the actual reason will be refuted, a new random reason will be immediately invented.
presupposes the loser mindset that nothing can be done to change the situation in positive.
Repeatedly saying something over and over, or rather whining about it, therefore destroying the point you were trying to make and making you look like a complete bitch because no one is listening to you.
When a person doesn't want help with a problem, but must tell you about it at length, since usually the litany comes from the female of the species, it's called bitching.
Unfortunately, the male of the species doesn't seem to understand this, so he will use other terms for it like nagging, complaining, octal rectalitis, fault-finding, caviling, when it is simply bitching.
She's been bitching all week about the kids, her mother, me, and the PTA!