Define Boxed Meaning


“You’re going to go get boxed on a Friday or Saturday night. You don’t want to say you lost your shield when you were out drinking, so you carry a dupe.” -- Louis R. Anemone, a former NYPD chief of department, quoted in the New York Times in an article about fake badges carried by police officers
By Ardeen
really messed up, as in drunk or high.

Man, that joint has me boxed
By Anderea
to fill a room, car, bathroom,etc with marijuana smoke

lets box your car
this shit is so boxed i cant see shit
By Gussi
To be stoned beyond the point of possible movement

"I'm boxed out of my skull"
By Bekki
To not be able to move after smoking marijuana. Such as a boxer when he tries to get up after getting knocked out. He is "boxed" out.

"Chelsey was so boxed after smoking that bowl."
By Ladonna

That boy got boxed in his face piece
By Sherilyn
The female version of being "Canned"
When a girl falls down and her foot lands where her
vagina is.
Somebody kicking a ball at a girls vagina would be boxing her.

"Hey Julie, when I fell down the other day, I totally boxed myself"

"ELLA! somebody just kicked a ball at my private area. I was boxed!"
By Fayina

You boxed her
By Kalina
Drunk on wine that comes in a box or any extremely cheap liquor.

We were broke but still had enough money to get boxed.
By Christabella
Died. Referring to a pine box casket.

"He boxed before the paramedics arrived."
By Bibi