Define Clodhoppers Meaning

boots, esp. hiking boots, esp. if large, ugly, and/or filthy

Get your clodhoppers off the table!
By Sena
Big, oversized boots or shoes that make clunky noises on the floor when you are walking.

I don't think you need to be wearing the clodhoppers on the plane.
By Claudina
large ungainly foot wear weilded in a heavy, uncoordinated fashion.

I dont think we need the clodhoppers on the seat, do we?
By Jackie
An extremely clumsey and awkward person.

That clodhopper stepped on my foot!
By Elbertine
Over-sized shoes. Shoes too big for walking.

You are going to trip in those clodhoppers.
By Deanne
being a huge idiot in front of others for no apperent reason

a person jumping out of no where and acting foolish and the person says to the person you are a clodhopper
By Sisile

I quit weed after I met Clodhoppers.
By Annamarie
Pile Of Clodhoppers
Insult, to be used when one clodhopper is not quite enough, and user wishes to summon the image of writhing heaps of clodhoppers, not doing anything useful.

By Ava