Define Deal Breaker Meaning

Deal Breaker
A deal breaker is ‘the catch’ that a particular individual cannot overlook and ultimately outweighs any redeeming quality the individual may possess.

The deal breaker was that he was married with kids and I don't condone adultery.
By Pippy
Deal Breaker
An issue within a relationship that constitutes one partner breaking up with the other. Note that they do not need to be a "good" reason by society's standards, but are specific and individual to each relationship.

I can't believe he broke up with her because she didn't put out after 10 dates. I guess to him, that was a "deal breaker".
By Lizzy
Deal Breaker
Some aspect of a deal you make with another person (could be anything from a job offer to a relationship) that prevents you from being able to do it.

When you're facing a situation where there are catches to something, the deal breaker is that one catch that you cannot overlook and/or tolerate.

After looking at this job offer, I could tolerate the lousy shifts, poor pay and even the job being not that great. Having to put up with a two hour drive two and from work every day? Sorry but that's the deal breaker.
By Lorenza
Deal Breaker
An insensitive term used by a partner in a relationship to refer to the often materialistic demands expected to be gained from the opposite partner's expense. That is, a "deal breaker" is a goal, requirement, or condition that must be met in order to keep the other person's supposed love for you.

Female partner: If we cannot afford a wedding within the next three months, that's a deal breaker for me.
Male partner: If you cannot be patient, that's a deal breaker for me.
By Arlina
Deal Breaker
Children. Single people, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Oh, god no. I wouldn't date her. Mary has kids. That's a total deal breaker.
By Elene
Deal Breaker
A "deal breaker" is a gigantic, massive shit that you have to take before an important event. Typically, the "deal breaker" feels like an unstoppable force. The name is derived from the following: If part of your work involved meeting with clients, and one of these unstoppable shits happened while you were meeting with said client, causing you to shit your pants...well...that would certainly be a "deal breaker".

I was driving down the interstate praying to God and Baby Jesus for a Rest Area, 'cause I felt a massive deal breaker coming on and there was no stopping it.
By Nike
Deal Breaker
a romantic cousin of the "shocker", the deal breaker involves delicately inserting your fist in the anus of your significant other. Also known as "5 in the stink"

Cindy said Nick was the most unbelievable lover she had ever experienced, until he gave her a deal breaker.
By Aileen
A person, or persons, whose presence at an event can be a determining factor as to whether or not you attend because the person's participation in the event would greatly diminish its enjoyability.

Vyatt: "Hey, some of us are getting together for a little outing, you in?"

Me: "Who's going?"

Vyatt: "Me, Barack, John, Hillary, Dennis..."

Me:"Hillay's a deal-breaker.."

Vyatt: "What?"

Me: "You know, something came up at work..."
By Adah
Deal Breaker
an element in the making of a deal, essential to one of the parties. without it, that very party would never consent.

he wanted a fender guitar from any price range, as long as it had a maple neck. the maple neck was the deal breaker.
By Gerrie
Deal Breaker

Hey, I thought you were into that one guy.
Nope, he's sportin' a total deal breaker
By Natka