Define Death Stare Meaning

Death Stare
A gaze, glare or glower that is meant to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. Originated from Sesame Street's Cookie Monster, it is most often portrayed in an image of him with something other than cookies, making quite the angry face.
One of the most common ways to preform the Death Stare is just shooting the glare at someone, but for the most effect, it's best to turn your head S-L-O-W-L-Y and pair the glare with a very prominent exhale. Maybe even some harsh whispering.
A common form of defense used by a Calum, a Vanessa or an Amber.

Random jock: Man, is that your face or did your neck throw up?

You: *Death stare and harsh whisper* Shut... your face...

Random jock: O_O" Alrighty then...
By Sharl
Death Stare
When someone stares at another with a look that makes someone want to shrink down in their seat in terror.

The gym teacher stared at the student who missed the ball with a Death Stare.
By Margette
Death Stare
to look fixedly at someone with so much hate in hopes that their face melts, explodes, or caves in with extreme discomfort and pain.

Damn Jenny! WTF is with the death stare?

Jenny: "Honestly, I just wish you would die."
By Kandy
Death Stare
The face that a teacher gives you when she thinks that you did something that is totally against religion

i was doing hand motion of french fries when she gave us that death stare. O_O
By Rafaelita
Death Stare
When someone looks at you straight on like they want to kill you or think they are better than you are. They usually have a glazed over look in their eye or they have their nose in the air.

If this female gives me the death stare one more time i'm going to kick her teeth in
By Michelina
Death Stare
When you know shit has hit the fan with your significant other
Has turned previous burly men into wimps running & screaming at the top of their lungs.

The death stare usually occurs after a male who is in a relationship is found staring at another woman, flirting with another woman or makes an unthought remark to his girlfriend etc. Usually involves the girlfriend abstaining from sex as punishment, or in worse cases seriously fucking you up

To avoid the death stare one does not need to be whipped by his girlfriend, merely to adapt techniques of not getting caught. Aviator glasses & most decent brand of sunglasses allow for scoping out the talent in public without your girl noticing. Unfortunately the only way to avoid silly remarks is to stick a sock in your mouth

Melissa: Were you just staring at that girl?
John: No of course not i was looking at the ehh graffitti on the wall behind her
*Thunder clouds roll in & the death stare occurs followed by a ground shattering earthquake
By Starlin
Luigi Death Stare
The Stare of Death, used by a Green Itailian Plumber with surprisingly decent karting skills. First seen in the 2014 Wii U Title, Mario Kart 8, when the titular character's brother drives by other racers and give them a very dirty look. Use slow motion for full effect.

They see him rollin', they hatin'. So he proceeds to Luigi Death Stare them.
By Mureil
Online Death Stare
When two people who like eachother are both online, both wanting to talk to eachother, but both too scared to IM eachother, thus resulting in a race to see who will swallow their pride first.

person 1: "man i was online for 2 1/2 hours waiting for Florence to IM me, but she didn't."
person 2: "well did you IM her?"
person 1: "naw... i just gave her the online death stare"
person 2: "nice, that'll get you laid for sure.."
By Meryl
Death Stare
That random look you get from your mom, girlfriend or wife that means "Dude, run, you're screwed".

My girlfriend gave me the Death Stare and I knew I did something wrong.
By Marsiella
Chinese Death Stare
When a Chinese person looks you in the eyes like they are looking into your soul. Like Jackie Chan, they invisibly punch you in the nuts. You know when you've had one. It is known as the imminent sign of coming death.

Not to be confused with the Chinese Death Star. We all know its coming.

Dude 1 : Man, i am so creeped out. I got the Chinese death stare yesterday!
Dude 2 : OH NO! your going to die!
By Audrye