Define Demonetize Meaning

what Logan Paul isn't after making a video at a suicide forest but what ever other youtuber is after saying "heck"

Why the fuck am I demonetized and Logan Paul isn't.
By Leann
You get no money on YouTube or mainstream social media after you swear or get age restricted.

Mini Ladd can't pay his morgage because he swore even when his editor cencored it and got demonetized from it.
By Augustine
The worst form of torture to greedy youtubers

This video was reported so many times it now has demonetization as a problem...
By Harriott
A word used to censor other words, particularly in the case of CaptainSparklez' YouTube channel, when he coined the term after doing reddit reaction videos.

The minecraf chat reads "CS was demonetized by Jerry" rather than "CS was slain by Jerry" so that YouTubes algorithms won't demonetize the video.
By Aigneis
A word used in past perfect for non family friendly words such as killed, died, fucked.

It is also what videos on YouTube can get if they use these non family friendly words and the video gets removed of all ad revenue

Man, my video got demonetized..

Hey, that guy’s totally demonetized.
By Mommy
Word communly used Captain Sparklez to avoid seeing their revenue locked Youtube.

Other words such as "fork, frick or

The creeper just Ksssssst and explode and then I demonetized and lost all my dimonds into lava.

Here, it stand for died like a smol brain.
By Carla
Demonetization Speak
The way youtubers will typically censor themselves by avoiding swear words and certain topics to an absurd degree in order to not get demonetized because of YouTube's harsh system.

Guy: I hate it when youtubers use that demonetization speak instead of just saying it how it is!
By Emmaline
Demonetized Language
A term for YouTubers using pseudo-replacement obscene words in an attempt to not get demonetized on the platform. This came about due to YouTube's crackdown on swearing and "offensive" language, especially anything advertisers would hate to see.

Viewer: "Hey why do you use the term 'the coof' rather than 'corona virus' in your video?"
YouTuber: "Because YouTube will demonetize my channel if I used the term 'corona virus'; so I have to use demonetized language in order to get my YouTube money."
By Kalli