Define Dragon Meaning

Possibly the best mythical creature known to this day.

Trogdor was a man. I mean, he was a dragon-man. Or maybe he was just a dragon!
By Terra
The mythical creature that pwns all others. Enough said.

By Francesca
A devil to some (The britans), a good luck charm to others (the chinese), but to me, thier just badass.

Do Not Meddle in the Affairs of Dragons, For You are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup!
By Shana
(Please excuse the length of this definition, but I enjoy being thorough.)

In the traditional sense, dragons were large reptilian creatures first thought of in the medieval time. (medieval in the eastern and western sense.) In western realsm, the dragon was a greedy, tyranical brute who ate damsels, demolished villages, and kept a huge treasure hoarde. Mostly portrayed as a generally lizard-like creature with many crests and horns, terribley sharp claws, large teeth, sometimes quills or fur, and almost always wings. (Different variants occured, such as the wingless two-legged Linwurm, and the scorpion-tailed wyvern.)They might've also had a lion's or dog's head.

In the eastern realms, dragons were beneficial and wise. They did of course keep their treasure hoardes, a dragon is nothing without his shinies. (They're very good eating.)They were snakelike, colourful, posessed deer-antlers, usually had a mane of fur or a crest of the stuff running down their back. They were awfully powerful beings, usually close to the gods, and lived in mountains, and sometimes in the ocean. I don't kinow much more...I'm pretty sure they could breathe scalding water instead of fire.

Nowadays, dragons are an icon. Anime' abuses them, fantasy novels use them, and D&D keeps them sacred. In DD, there are two main types of dragons, called true dragons(western variety).

Here's a list...

Metallic (Good) Dragons

Gold: Looks much like a cross between a western and eastern dragon, breathes
fire, very wise. (Wings look like large fins.)

Silver: Traditional western dragon, with tall fin. Breathes frost, serene and graceful. (My favourite.)

Brass: Again a traditional western dragon. has connecting its limbs to its body, aquatic. Breathes lightning, fascinated with war. (Still good, though.)

Brass: Traditional western, has the fin-like wings of the goldy. Breathes fire, LOVES to talk.

Copper: Traditional western, fin-like wings. Spits acid. Incorrigable prankster.

Chromatic (EVIL!) dragons. (note all of them are traditionaly western.)

Red: Lives to destroy, incredibley greedy (even for a dragon.) Breathes fire (obviously).

Blue: Vain, proud, would do anything to save its hide. Breathes lightning.

Green: Manipulator, honey-tongued, curious of other creatures. Very interesting breath weapon, it spits a cloud of corrosive vapour. (My favourite chromey.)

Black: Horrible temper, territorial, cruel. Spits acid.

White: Very STUPID. Breathes frost. (More of an animal than a higher being.)

Note that these dragons are intelligent (except thew white), and cast magic, speak, manipulate, conquer, what have you. Most of the above stuff is from DD..

"Look, Sir Thelonius is slaying the Lindwurm!"

"Shinrao will help us, he'll know what to do."


By Shanon
A mythical creature resembling a reptile. Usually huge and ridiculously powerful; often flies or spits fire and/or venom out of its mouth. May be benevolent or pure evil; usually depends on what part of the world the legend is coming from.

People often like to roleplay these creatures online.

"I have a plastic dragon on top of my monitor."
By Annamaria
a girl that you would have sex with but never enter into a full-fledged relationship with

You have to slay a couple of dragons before you find your princess!

in business terms: in HR- A benefits specialist with no hope of promotion

Matt: "Joe, you slay that dragon yet?"
Joe: "No dude, she wants to be my girlfriend!"

Hey, you want to go dragon slaying tonight?
No, I already slew one today and then threw her out!
By Melissa
A slang term refering to people of Asian ancestry. The term comes from the fringe belief that Asians are the result of dragon/human interbreeding eons ago. These human/dragon hybrids (aka Asians, or simply dragons) have evolved to be impervious to lung cancer regardless of how heavily they smoke since they have dorment fire breathing genes. Also modern day human/dragon hybrids possess the ability to fly however no non-dragon has ever witnessed that feat first hand. This is the ancient Chinese secret everyone refers to.

I thought I was going to fail math; luckily my study partner is a dragon. Apparently calculus comes to them just as naturally as breathing fire.
By Malva
V. The act of raising your hands over your head while vomiting in an attempt to imitate a fire-breathing dragon. This is usually done while extremely intoxicated and makes for a hilarious scene.

1. Uhhhh, all that beer and Taco Bell made me sick; I think I am going to dragon.

2. Dude, I just dragoned off the balcony. Now, where's my beer?
By Heda
dranky Dragons are member of the female sex, only to be used for slaying and other sexual purposes. Rated by your friends as under a "5". Often found lurking in grimey dance bars/clubs and the like. A man shall only pickup a dragon under the following circumstances: a) It is 17 minutes before the bar closes. b) Said man has drank more alcoholic beverages then one can count on 3 hands. c) Man has not had sexual intercourse in more than 4 weeks

"If I ever decide to slay a dragon again, can you guys slap me first?"
By Eddy
something that is intensly sweet or just friggin awesome

That person is so dragon
By Cecile