Define Grunts Meaning

Marines or other military serviceman who serve in the frontlines of war

Those fuckin grunts take all the action
By Norry
food, something to eat; grunting: the work first used to to describe the act of eating originating in rural upstate New York; often associated with diner food and greasy spoons.

Hey, let's get some grunts at the diner. Let's grunt down on some over easys.
Mama Miehe, we got to grunt down fast....
By Martita
Defecation. So termed because of the noise one makes while performing a bowel movement.

-Excuse me mom, but where is grandpa?
-Oh, he's going grunts.
By Mommy
a small unorganised group of people who band together in an attempt to help each other get some. World reknown for being done over and accepting it. King Ug AKA Mental Mike ruler of the grunts.

That tramp is a definate grunt!
By Adriaens
Grunt Grunts
A grunt grunt is typically a older gentleman who is a creep in the porn theater. Usually in their 40s or older their goal is to have sex and that includes non-consensual AKA rape.

The name comes from the noises that they make from orgasming. They tend to stand and watch or sit and watch and they will ask embarrassing or creepy questions which kills the vibe.

They can be violent around women especially and must be avoided and will try to gang rape anything with a vagina.

They tend to have stds/STIs and will go for gay sex if they are really not getting laid.

They are typically.

1. Old White men named "NORM"
2. Homeless men.

3. Obese latinos.

4. Desperate old fat gay men.

5. Non-passable trans women

6. Incels
7. Black men with tiny dicks.

8. East Europeans who are obese.

9. Peacocking ED

10. Fat people in general.

Grunt Grunts should be avoided and banned as they're why porn theatres are unsafe.

"Gangbang is closed tonight because Grunt Grunts came in and tried to rape my partner.
By Christen
YRG slang for non-subs in a twitch chat

Yo I’m no longer a grunt, it’s lit!
By Sharleen
Term of affection for that tired, filthy, thirsty, hungry, footsore, ripped-trouser, camouflage-painted, lean, mean, son a b*itch who has kept the wolf away from the door for over two hundred years.

US Marines - (03--)
US Army - (11-)

Grunts do it better!

Those fuckin' grunts are cocky.
By Zita
1. (v.) defecate, crap, poop (grunts, grunted)

2. (n.) crap, poop, turd

syn: poop (n.,v.); log, load (n.)

1. I grunted after the big lunch.

2. Byrne left a big grunt in the can.
By Bertina
Grunt Grunt
A secret code word for "Check your E-Mail"

Person A: hey send me that picture

Person B: ok.... grunt grunt
By Collete
The term "grunt" is used in the military as a general term for someone who's MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) is "Infantry". In the Marine Corps all MOS' preceeded by the number "03" are Infantry. About as "grunt" as you can get in the Corps is "0311 - Basic Rifleman".

The opposite of a "grunt" is a "pougue", which is a derogatory reference to pretty much anyone who isn't a grunt, but normally reserved for Marines who work in an office or some other rear-echelon job as part of their regular duties ("In the rear with the gear"). Call a pougue a "grunt" and they love it, but call a grunt a "pougue" and see what happens :-)

"If you ain't a grunt you ain't SHIT"

"The grunts at Phase Line Echo report multiple hostiles, scattered small-arms fire and are currently engaging."

"The fuckin' grunts always come to our E-Club and start shit."
By Cari