Define Harks Meaning

a cult that started with someone misspelling the name of the fictional pro-hero 'Hawks' from the My Hero Academia franchise

Person 1: Harks
Person 2: HARKS
Person 3: harks :P
By Dehlia
similar to “period”; used when you are in agreement with a statement to emphasize how much you support what is being said.

By Viviyan
similar to “period”; used when you are in agreement with a statement to emphasize how much you agree.

By Elsie
a non sensical phrase uttered in moments of confusion or disbelief. The new day version of "what?" or "i beg your pardon?"

Example 1. disbelief

person 1. hey bro, I heard that girl you're into hooked up with your little brother yesterday

person 2. HARK?

Example 2. confusion

person 1. Entschuldigen Sie mich guter Herr, wo ist die Bibliothek?

person 2. hark?
By Karilynn

hark! i made an a!!
By Lilas
The Hark
A mystical beast of unknown origins. Some say he has a wing span of 25 feet. He has the feet of a camels and talons of a hawk. To summon him have a can of green AXE in your hand and make the shape of a pentagram with the cans fluid. Then find a knife, cut your dick off and place it in the center of the pentagram. Then say "I call to you Hark, my one true master and savoir!". After that he will swoop into your house breaking all of your windows and take you far away. Each place is different for everybody. Be weary he likes to stalk men with tight asses at 2 in the morning.

A beast that croak's to the pleasure of pillaging your anus. You don't find "The Hark", he finds you.
By Drucie
A person in a state of drunkardness that results in inconceivably retarded actions.

Hark was a fucking retard last night. He shat right in the middle of the parking lot.
By Mabel
Harking: The over embellishment of a thing or person.

Mike would not stop harking about the ugly bitch he thought was amazing and cute.
By Codee
A way to say, "Season's Greetings" that is somewhat obtuse.

Hey John, Hark! Yeah, you too Dude, have a nice X-mas...
By Claudine
A seasonal "yeet"
Multi-faceted word that can be used to simply express one's feelings of agreement/excitement.

Dude 1: "Did you see it's snowing outside?"
Dude 2: "Hark!"
By Devora