Define I Do Meaning

I Do
The biggest mistake a person can ever make in their lifetime.

"I do." Thats what he said what he was thinking was "I do... NOT!"
By Antonietta
I Do What I Do
expression explaining that is how they do things and shouldn't be questioned any further

example 1:
person 1- hey why are you always getting into fights when we go out

person 2- hey i do what i do

person 1- ah of course

example 2:

person 1- were you really hitting on that chick last night

person 2- i do what i do

person 1- gotcha
By Janela
I Do It!
A phrase you say when someone isn't doing it right.

Fundo: "You stupid! You're not doing it right. I do it!"
Dyslexic Dortmund: "Who you callin' an idiot?"
By Lynnette
I Do Declare
Generally an exclamatory phrase which asserts/affirms the truth of a previous or forthcoming statement. Often associated with the vernacular of the American south.

Well I do declare! My man done ate fifteen hot dogs in under a minute!

Hey! Isn't that Old Bill Mcsmithers? I do declare!
By Kizzee
I Do Stuff
The art of doing or conducting extraneous unnameable activities of any means.

Acquaintance: What do you do for fun?
Me: I Do Stuff
By Dianna
That's How I Do
That's the way I do things.

That's my style.

That's how I roll.

A:"Why'd you just punch me!?"

B:"That's how I do."
By Kiley
It's What I Do
A phrase used when reciving a complement, is often used to avoid acqward moments. Or can be used to recive the complement in cocky fashion.

Girl: Wow I really like your hair.
Guy: Ya, it's what I do.
Friend: You totally sniped that dude.
Guy: Ya, it's what I do.
By Jaquenette
It's What I Do
Something that you find yourself doing repeatedly so it is your signature mark that is known by all

Yeah that was me who sniped you in COD4,It's What I Do
By Bonny
The Fuck I Do
Another way of saying no to an extreme amount.

Bob: Do you want AIDs?
Jack: The fuck I do!
Bob: Damn..
By Idelle
That's What I Do
An expression that means that you are a specialist in a specific domain.

Ex 1 : Thad Castle from Blue Mountain State : "Anyone who comes in my zone gets laid out, because thats what I do, I LAY PEOPLE OUT !"

Ex 2 : Thad Castle : "I beat drug test, that's what I do !"

Ex 3 : Bow Wow : Who scores de more chicks ? I mean... That's me ! That's what I Do !
By Keriann