Define Thinking Meaning

Something an avetard does after you ask him a basic ass question. You can ask him the most simple shit and he will not respond for like 15 mins and when you ask him again he'll be like "i was thinking" it's pretty obvious that this dude is dumb as shit and useless af.

Aye stutt didn't answer my question about when his birthday is and its been 30 mins....oh he's just thinking.
By Clem
what I don't do during class

I was "thinking" during class today.
By Peggy
using the muscle between your ears to create conclusions regarding what other people do and say.

I was thinking about the first definition of "thinking" and it pissed me off.
By Kristina
1. Something that very few people do anymore.
2. The complex interactions of neurons in the brain that enable processing of information.

1. What in the world are you thinking? You could have been hit by a car!
2. What are you doing? "Thinking about what you just said."
By Gratiana
A past time that has been forgotten by americas youth and George W. Bush

"Dude so like the other day I was sitting there you know, and all of a sudden this idea came to me on how to solve this problem I'd been having it was weird."

"Yeah, I heard of something like that once its called like thinking or thoughting or something"

"Is it deadly?"
By Cassondra
this causes pain in the head, noggin, noodle, brain, scalp, eyebrows, and other areas in the head area. Can cause sickness if done too much.

I don't like to think. Thinking is dumb. Why do i think? I am not a thinker!
By Loraine
Thinking Think

please stop saying thinking think
By Rosella
The Thinks
Slang for the endless stream of thoughts that plague your mind, one after the other, especially when trying to fall asleep.

I had a bad case of the thinks last night.
By Hannis
A complex process that typically involves head scratching and "Hmm" noises, and is often followed by an "aha!" in normal people, or a stupid comment in cheerleaders.

Steve: Suzy, do you want to go to the movies with me tonight?

Suzy: I can't; I'm thinking.
By Robinette
The last thing most people do before acting.
An activity that's frowned upon and made taboo by every society, culture, religion, government, cult, fad, or any other large group of people.

Boss: We don't pay you to think, now GET BACK TO WORK!
By Cornelle