The word people use when you've done something that isn't technically "bad" or "wrong" but they still don't like it anyway and expect you to conform to their personal tastes.
Burping after a meal is inappropriate; there's no rule against it, but people don't like it so you have to conform.
By Allissa
The currenteuphemism for "wrong" or "bad." It is supposed to sound more objective than "wrong" and "bad," but it is not.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't have called him an asshole, because he is; it was just inappropriate.
Wearing nothing but lingerie to the office is not wrong; it's just inappropriate.
A word that apparently means "not suitable or proper in the circumstances" but is used these days almost exclusively to mean anything that is sexually explicit, drug or alcohol related, violent, or otherwise obscene. In the context of age in terms of children, rather than the traditional overall definition.
Where did you get that innuendo from, it's inappropriate!
By Clem
In high school settings, short skirts, low cut tops, see through clothing and skin tight jeans. The student handbook says not to wear this, but many girls still wear it anyway to look skanky.
Me: Urban Dictionary is so inappropriate!!!
Me: *Never visits Urban Dictionary again*
By Shannah
The word that used to actually mean something, but doesn't mean anything anymore.
Kid: Ima post a dicpic to instagram
Mom: hey you can't do that, it's inappropriate
Kid: Im sorry, what?
Mom: It's too inappropriate to post
Kid: That's not even a word!