Define Jewstain Meaning

jewstain: is when a nearby jew, stains on you! or when having sex wid a jew they leave a stain aka jewstain.

hey Bob is that a jewstain on your pants?!
By Valery
When burning a person of Jewish faith and their ash leaves a stain on the floor.

I wish I had placed a tarp down, now there is a Jewstain.
By Lind

Wow dat be be a jewstain
By Lilia
1. Something left over that needs cleaning in the ovens.
2. Justin Phillip Dean

1. Ah! I have to clean up the Jewstains after the mass murdering of 6 million Jews, it's a hard life for me.

2. Aww man, I really hate Jewstain however I love his YouTube channel that he co owns, SB FILMS with his Pasty Patrol video, you should go subscribe.
By Gerry