Define Open Ass Meaning

Open Ass
Used to describe the scent eminating from a man's ass who obviously has a serious medical condition. Also a by-product of irritable bowel syndrome, this condition can also lead to sharting.

Dude, you smell like open ass. What crawled up there and died?
By Leeanne
Open Ass
When a fat kid opens his butt cheeks and it smells like sweaty balls

Teen 1 : it's smells like open ass.
Fat Kid : starts crying and his tears smell like ass
By Kristine
Open Ass
Used to describe an unpleasant smell

Jesus Christ! Take a shower! You smell like open ass!
By Nora
Open Ass
The worst smell you can possibly imagine.

Oh shit! The mystery meat in the cafe smells like open ass. Fuck that, I'm going to the pizza place.
By Imelda
Open Ass
As a police office is patting down a suspect, as he goes down the leg he get a whiff of nasty, sweaty, funky ass.

Man that MF'er had some major open ass.
By Crysta
Wide Open Ass
A descriptive for a terrible smell. Often "wide open ass" is used to describe a geographical place. Less often it is used to describe the stench of a person.

1. Commerce City, Colorado smells like wide open ass.

2. That guy really needs to clean himself up. He reeks like wide open ass!
By Fern
Open Ass Crack
Adjective describing someone that is a complete loser.

Yo, that dude bogarted my joint ... he's my open ass crack.
By Carie
Open Ass Face Shank
Term used when someone walks unknowingly into an area where someone has just crop dusted with their mouth open. Leaving the person feeling as though they had just been stabbed in the face with someone's ass matter.

Bob wondered who open ass face shanked him in aisle 3 of the grocery store.

Bill thought farting in mary's cubicle would be a funny open ass face shank.
By Lynnea
Guy Opens Ass To Show Everyone
The definition of a tomato red tailhole, better known by it's acronym wordGOATSE/word

CNN Bulletin: Guy Opens Ass To Show Everyone. Both sides of the Atlantic rush to see susceptible phenomenom
By Geri
Tear Your Ass Open
To have sex with, Fuck.

Dude I just tore her ass open like we got married.
By Frederica