Define Spanking Meaning

The act of repeatly slapping that booty with one's open hand. Appropriately given by pulling someone ear toward you, sitting down, and guiding them over your knees so that their crotch area is directly on your lap and their ass is slightly lifted and exposed right above your lap. A proper spanking begins with the person clothed, preferably in very tight jeans or short shorts, and begins with several slaps to the buttocks. A spanking requires several intermissions of rubbing and squeezing the butt cheeks and perhaps gently rubbing sensitive areas in more hidden in between the legs. By the time a spanking is over, all clothing should have been removed, and the butt should be fairly red, very hot, and very stingy from all the slaps. However, no bruises or marks should ever appear. Both men and women, young and old, require spankings. Most do not admit it.

I asked you to bring a Dr. Pepper, not a Coke; YOU'RE GONNA GET A SPANKING!!!
By Elita
What a little kid fears to get and adults wish to get

~woman talking to two males~

Time for a spanking!

Younger Male- AAHHHH!!!! HELP ME!!!!

Older Male- Cumming
By Toinette
When someone gets their bare butt slapped by the hand or other implements until their butt is red or they cry like a baby.

We were all shocked to see Ryan, who was 15, get a spanking by his mom. He was crying as us girls all laughed and pointed at him.
By Berna
to repeatedly give open handed slaps to a girl's butt. often times it will be bare or she will be wearing tight jeans. this can be used either for discipline or erotic purposes.

guy 1: dude kiana wore some tight ass jeans last night so i had no choice but to give her a spanking.
guy 2:
By Lissie
Spanking is the process of repeatedly applying percussive force to the bared arse of a woman. Sometimes the hand can be used, however it may be that the duration and intensity required by a particular occasion demands use of additional equipment such as: hairbrush (wooden, never plastic), paddle (leather, wooden or plastic, if plastic lexan is preferred), strap (leather or rubber, preferrably neoprene), wooden spoon (for kitchen related spankings) or plimsol slipper. Other implements such as cane, martinet (favored in France) etc. may be used however then it becomes a flogging, whipping etc. rather than spanking. Generally the occasion should be accompanied by ceremony such as corner time, requirements that certain clothing (i.e. school uniform, a particular pair of panties) be worn, counting during the spanking, requirements that certain positions be maintained, recording of the event in a book, viewing the results in a mirror etc. The intent of the ceremony is to further focus the spankee on the task at hand and how she is being treated. Sometimes restraint or gagging is indicated if positon cannot be maintained and noise levels are too high. As part of the ceremonial aspect 'extras' can be added if the requirements of the process are not followed properly.

Spankings generally fall into two categories, disciplinary and erotic. Disciplinary spankings are the result of untoward behavior such as smoking in public, backtalking, use of unladylike language, failure to prepare meals properly or on schedule, drunkeness, excessive or unapproved use of credit cards, traffic tickets, having female friends over to the house while sporting events are on TV, talking on the phone too long, flirting with other men at parties, wearing pants or pantyhose, failure to swallow, not keeping sufficient quantities of cold beer of the correct type in the refrigerator, gaining weight and other generally unacceptable female behavior patterns.

Erotic spankings generally occur as the result a desire on the part of the man to warm up the woman as part of foreplay. These are generally administered over the knee on a less formal basis. Typically these are administered with the hand or smaller implement - use of a strap or large paddle is awkward in the over-the-knee position. Birthday spankings should fall into the erotic category.

You dented the fender on my sports car!! Go upstairs, get the razor strop and prepare yourself for a first rate spanking young lady!! You will not be sitting down for at least a week!

What is this $200 credit card charge! Apparently one spanking is not sufficient to impress upon you the need to stay on budget. You are going to get a spanking with my paddle every night for the next week!

By Roz
Spanking, a household standard in many households where parents are raising young and growing children. The action of physically taking a child be it a baby, or a toddler, and paddling the child on the bottom with the inside flat of ones open hand. Spanking is done either on a clothed bottom, or a bare bottom, depending on the severity of ones child's actions, and the strictness of the parent administering the spanking.

Spanking: The actions of a parent, a babysitter, or a caregiver, repetitively striking or paddling a child, baby, or toddler, on the bottom with their open hand.

"If I catch you doing that one more time (child's name), your going to get a spanking"!

"Ok, you were told once already, and now I'm going to give you a spanking"!

"Get inside right this minute! You know better than to do that! Your getting a spanking"!
By Elisa
A stop by a police unit, usually a state trooper, for a traffic violation

He got a spanking for driving 20 mph over the speed limit.

She got a spanking for running a red light.
By Liliane
A description of remarkable high quality and style; implying significant gratification to be had from the described object.

Taken and enhanced from the old fashioned version meaning "very" - (i.e. "Brand Spanking New") and combining it with the sexual nature of the act of spanking - there is an erotic edge to this word.
As if that which you are describing will give you some form of sexual pleasure, either express or implied.

Hey - your boots are totally spanking!

Wow, that new album is spankingly good!
By Fawn
Procrastinating, often by web surfing online. Goofing off by enjoying yourself instead of getting something done. Refers specifically but not exclusively to masturbating ("spanking the monkey"), especially while looking at porn online.

Am I interrupting?
Nah, just spanking. What's up?
By Allina

ite guys im spanking soon, i think I'm gonna spank, she's such a spankette, i think he's a spanko, he needs to stop being a spankings direct.
By Heddie