Define Transphobe Meaning

Someone who is against or doesn't like someone that is or will be transgender

There are so many transphobes against Caitlyn Jenner
By Brianna
1. Non insane person, capable of distinguishing a boy from a girl, who opposes the "human right" of men cosplaying as women to prance into womens' loos and locker rooms and waiver their erections around in 9-year old girls' faces.

2. Not a sociopath--a decent human-being who believe it is morally wrong to sterilize pre-pubescent children and/or slice the breasts/penises off of young teenagers.

1. "Sorry Dave--I don't believe you have a 'human right" to follow my pre-teen daughter into the ladies' locker room and show her your hard penis."

'You goddamn transphobe!"

2. "Hey Fred--do you want to help me trans your son I can get you a price break if you want to have his penis chopped off."

"Dan--he's 11 years old--maybe later."

"You goddamn transphobe!"
By Nissie

CHAD: I'm a transphobe.
Person: what a chad
By Hali

"Trans people aren't real people and that's a fact. I'm a reasonable person."
"No Brad, you're just transphobic."
By Willy
People who are scared of trans people they make fun of them

Someone “ I am transphobic

Me “What does transphobic mean?”
My friend “ It means that he is afraid of trans people”
Me “ Transitioning genders”

My friend “ Stop it you’re scaring him”
By Jacquenetta
A person that feels uncomfortable and lacks a rational understanding or revulsion of people with transgender people, especially those with a real diagnosis of gender dysphoria (distress caused by the discrepancy between a person's physical gender and their gender identity).

There are as many different transphobic types of people as there are transgender people. Some transphobic individuals have a real fear and negative emotional reaction to transgender people, whereas others have a more outward hatred and rage towards transgender people. Many people who are considered transphobic have had little contact with transgender people and so may act stupidly, make light of the encounter by joking or teasing, or lack political correctness, or make insensitive comments but are not clinically transphobic. Some transphobic people claim it is immoral, social perversion, a ruse for voyeuristic people, or claim it is against their religion to rationalize their transphobic behavior. Many transphobic people can quickly learn more about gender dysphoria and to accept it without responding negatively.
By Joell
Someone who is afraid of transcontinental travel. Kind of like an agoraphobe but they are okay to leave the house.

I would go to Canada but I'm too much of a transphobe to travel that far.
By Leelah
“Someone” who hates trans people.

Examples of what transphobes say:

“Oh my god why are trans women trying to pee in peace? This is wrong!”

“Oh no don’t teach my kid about trans people! It will turn them trans! Just like how teaching kids about geometry turns them into fucking shapes!”

“Trans people will never be men!!112

They usually reject the term cis but then get mad when a trans person doesn’t want to be called trans. They also usually forget trans men exist.

“My dad is transphobic

“Why is Taylor so transphobic?”
“Brian is a huge transphobe
By Kelila
A fucking twat who thinks that transgender people are not human

Max: hey did you hear about Tyler?
Oliver: what the transphobic one
By Thomasa
I sexual perversion characterised by a fixation on other people's genitals and a belief that people are defined solely by their penis or vagina, commonly found in feeble-minded imbeciles who demand simplicity in a complicated world.

I'm not transphobic, but I just can't stop thinking about her cock.
By Eleen