Define Verb Meaning

A word indicating an action or doing things.

Such verbs include:
.....among MANY others.

In this day and age, anything can be a verb.

"'s whatcha do!"
-that commercial
By Claribel
It's what you do.

ejaculate, sex, smoke, drink, steal, run, beat j00r meat
By Elspeth
A word that describes an action.

Kiss, Bite, Tease, Suck; Grind, Lick, Cum, Fuck... Verb, It's what you do!
By Janeva
Verbing someone or just verbing PERIOD, is when you talk reckless about somebody or just straight up diss that person! Its basically the same thing as violating someone except verbing is STRICTLY verbal, never physical. Comes from the term verbal abuse.

-I'll drop anybody that verb my momma!

-Why you gotta verb me like that??

-N*ggas always verbin', but never bout that action..
By Libbi
v. The process of taking a noun and changing it into a verb.

Generally done with famous proper nouns, although in appropriate situations, could be used to deliver an inside joke.

I. love. verbing. nouns!
I totally just Googled myself... again!
I couldn't get home in time for Brothers and Sisters. I'm so glad I TiVo'd it!
Yeah, we couldn't decide who should go first, so we just rock paper scissored that shit.
By Gloriana
An action word. A word that describes doing something. Sometimes receeded by the words "to", "and", "but", "or", in order to properly describe the action.

To err is perfectly human, but remember to learn from your mistakes or live with the consequenses.
By Danna
A stupid ad campaign to get kids into 'ultra'cool school' the kind of word teachers use to make kids think theyre 'HIP 'N HAPPENIN' poor idiot teachers, this only works on nerds!

Whats YOUR verb? School rocks ,DUDETTES
By Cynthie
to organize with glee and great abandon; Preparedness for any and all occurences while being the epitome of grace under fire.

"look at the fabulous
Romelda knife i found"
" i really need to Romelda my office space"-verb
By Kathryn
To use a word not commonly considered a verb as a verb. The created word, or neologism, may be modified in the same way as any regular or irregular verb.

Nouns and Adjectives are most commonly used as base words, but almost any word may be used in this way.

Many of these created verbs have passed into common usage, such as telephone, email or damage.

To verb is, in itself, an example of a verbed noun. Here are some other examples of verbed words.

Noun: Just Google it. (Somewhat common usage.)

Adjective: My job is to green our company. (i.e. to make it more environmentally friendly.)

Preposition: I versed him last night. (From versus.)

Acronym: But I did SMS him! (Also common usage.)
By Silva
A general reply to a friend who says word because something is kool or right

Tommy: man look at that chick! She's so hot!
Billy: word!
Charlie: verb!
By Kaja