Define Achtung Meaning


Deutsche (german) word for "warning" or "alert".

"Achtung, achtung! Der amerikaner blah blah blah......I still have yet to master deutsche. -_- "
By Tatiana
The only German word English speakers know.

-an American doing a German impression
By Loria
A German word commonly used by Americans (I.E. U2). Translates roughly to "attention!"

Achtung Baby would probably mean something like "check this out baby" to an english speaker.
By Tory
Ein Deutsche Wort, das warning bedeutet. Es wird vorbei Amerikaner verwendet, die Deutsch sprechen wollen, aber kann nicht für mehrere Begründungen von mildernder Umstände.

Achtung mein Herr! Der Papsttöter hat nicht doch verfing.
By Cecily
1. A German word, meaning "Caution", "Attention", or "Watch out"

2. Something you can yell at someone before you club a golf ball.
Like "Fore"

1. Achtung, Motherfucker

2. Golfer: ACHTUUUNNG!

Guy on the green: Heh?

Golfer: Sorry, shoulda said fore.
By Rivy
Achtung is undoutably the coolest word in the German language. It can be used in so many different ways and sounds cool.


Achtung Baby.

ACHTUNG WITH THE BATTON! (befor hitting someone)

Achtung shit-head.

ACH-FUCKING-TUNG! (If you are realy pissed-off at someone and you are warning then of a possible near future atack, or if you are about to urt them.)
By Ninetta
The dynamite of firecrackers, strongest type of celebratory petard on the market. It's engineered by Germans to be as obnoxiously loud and powerful as legally allowed. Often exported to other EU states with no local instructions of any kind. The actual word 'Achtung' means 'Warning' in German, however it's often mistaken to be a brand name.

I threw an achtung into my neighbor's toilet and it hit the ceiling.
By Scarlett
The sound of hocking, and then aiming the hock to perfectly hit the rim of the spitoon to make the "-tung!!" sound. It made everyone pay attention, hence its other, more common definition. Alleged to be the first word in the German language, on which all other words are based.

Acccccccccchhhhh-splat!!!! dammit, let me try again ... don't slip on that ...
Acccccccccchhhhh-TUNGGGG!!!! There ya go!
By Vinni
Achtung Granate
A grenade specifically designed to cause anyone in the area to pay attention to it, staring with slack-jawed reverence.

Guy 2: *Stares*
Guy 1: *Stares*
By Sallyann
Look! It's a warning!

Adjective for an interesting-spectacular item that is also frightening and maybe appalling depending on your point of view.

You noticed that all Debbie's friends have been getting pregnant lately?
Really? Fascin-achtung!

I heard the math teacher told Sherry that she is sultry

Jerry is making a u-pick sign for his skunk weed patch

By Betteanne