Define Chip And Dip Meaning

Chip And Dip
A plate or platter often served at Aussie BBQ's usually including a combination of potato or rice crisps, and biscuits and at least one, but preferably multiple dips. The most common and the classic chip and dip is Jatz and French Onion dip although recent advancements in the field of dip innovation have seen the introduction of a wider variety of very tasty dips using ingredients previously not found in dip like rocket, basil, parmesan, cashews and beetroot.

It is quite common in the working class suburbs of Australia to be asked to provide the chip and dip if you attend someone else's barbie.

"Do ya wanna come round for a barbie on Friday night?"
"Yeh sure - what can I bring?"
"Oh just some chip and dip."


"Gee you do a good chip and dip Roz. I love that rocket, basil and parmesan."
By Brenn
Chips And Dips
A university / college alternative for ciggrates and booze

Where can i get some chips and dips in this area , fam?
By Sandie
Chips And Dip

There was supposed to be this dope ass party but when we got there it was all chips and dip.
By Thomasa
Chip And Dip

Look at the fine bitch over there I want to chip and dip her
By Marita
Chip The Dip
(1) Dropping a chip in any sort of dip; e.g. Salsa or Onion Dip.
(2) Breaking a chip, usually by accident, into any sort of dip.

Her chip fell into the barbecue sauce. "Sally, did you just chip the dip?" "Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to."
By Halley
Chips N Dip
When her nipples are close enough to her belly button that you can dip them in

By Briney
Chip To Dip Ratio
That perfect amount of dip (salsa, hummus, etc.) to a chip leaving one with no extra dip or chips extremely rare

Guy 1: Holy crap I got the perfect chip to dip ratio
Guy 2: Are you some type of wizard or something
By Waly
Chip 'n Dip
A chip 'n dip is when you masturbate like the lonely-ass you are, you cum, and then your penis then slowly dips into the cum (like a chip going into the dip)

Jim: What were you doing last night Bill?
Bill: Man, I was just having a good time, y'know jerking off and shit, then I took a chip 'n dip and my whole night was

ruined. I came to find out that my wife doesn't love me, and my children are gay. My life is going downhill dude....
Jim: What? Oh sorry, i was playing Clash Royale.
Bill: Fuck you dude....
By Clarine
Chip And Dip Theory
So a guy is the chip and a girl is the dip. If a guy dips his chip into a bunch of dips he isn't "ruined" but if a girl puts a lot of chips into her dip, then her dip is ruined.

Guy: I dipped my chip so much
Girl: if I put chips into my dip I'd be a slut
Aka the chip and dip theory
By Luz
Chips N Dip
The small amount of damage you take when you block a special move in the Street Fighter franchise

(You're at < 1% health, and I throw a fireball at you..)

"Enjoy the chips n dip buddeh!"
By Kristina