Define Emo Meaning

1) An emotional person. They are not depressed all the time and some are acually very happy at times. They do smile, they don't sit in a corner crying all day. Some are actually quite popular and laugh and joke around lots.
NB: Emo does not mean the person cuts themselves, they might but that is not why they're emo.

2) A style. Quite similar from emo to emo but they try to make it quite unique. Some common features of emo's are:
-long hair that covers their eyes
-skate shoes
-skinny fit jeans
-dyed hair
NB: Not all emo's wear this style and just because you see someone who has one or more of the above features doesn't mean they're emo.

3) A genre of music. Some people find it depressing, but generally emo's listen to it because it describes something that has happened/happening to them perfectly. It's like the band has taken their memories and found the perfect way to describe it.
NB: Just because a band isn't very popular doesn't mean it is emo and some emo music is very cheery and consoling.

1) I have lots of friends and we all joke and mess around but we are very emotional (emo's).

2) You see big groups of emo's in town wearing that style, but still managing to look cool and different.

3) Some people say My Chemical Romance is emo and depressing, but they have some cheeryish songs and their lyrics mean something to some emo's.
By Meade
A terribly misconstrued and misused word. In contemporary culture it is utilized as a broad term to describe a multitude of children and teenagers who straighten their hair, have their hair in their face, perhaps dye it black, and wear tight clothing. Unfortunately this is completely inaccurate. Actual "emo" music existed in the late 80's and was a subgenre of hardcore punk rock, after all, "emo" is a shortening of "Emotional hardcore punk rock". The people in early emo bands dressed like regular people, everyday guys/girls who just played music that they enjoyed. Sadly, since the formulation and ongoing existence of Hot Topic, the term emo has been incorrectly characterized for a little more than a decade. You have to wonder how the original bands feel about the slandering and mass misunderstanding and misuse of their originality with those of the unoriginal.

Just search Cap'n Jazz to listen to actual emo music.
By Cherish
a musical genre/ scene that has almost 1000 definitions in urban dictionary most of which are making fun of it

im gonna add another definition for emo cuz 1000 isnt enough
By Camila
It's a genre of music, not people who dress in black and self harms.

Brad 1: What are you doing?
Brad 2: Listening to emo music
By Zorine
There are two types of emo's.

1. You have the fake, trendy, bullshit emo. These are the people that force themselves to be emo, try to dramatize their life, and think wearing black and cutting your wrists is emo.

2. The true emo, some who is overly emotional. Thats right, emo's can smile and be happy! Many people suffering from manic depression are labelled emo, because they can't help feeling like life fucking sucks. Alot of them also cut, hence people labelling other people who cut 'emo'

((Also, to all the people who say emo is shit, and say 'dont become emo' then label people emo when you decide they are, you are a bunch of tosspots who can go shoot yourself in the face.))

1. Fake emo: Oh my god, I saw how awesome emo's are on tv, I so have to be one

*two days later* *is wearing fully black clothes, make up, and is carrying a razor with them.*

Fake emo: My parents don't get me. Nobody gets me...

2. True emo: *is being hyper and dancing* I loooove life
*20 minutes later* God...I fucking hate this...dammit..
By Willie
The Difference between Emo And Goth:

Emos Hate themselves
Goths hate Everyone
Emos Want to Kill themselves
Goths Want to kill Everyone
By Vitia
The word that holds the record for the most definitions at at 1,181.

By Constancy
people who need a hug. A BIG, WARM hug.

By Enriqueta

I wish people would stop defining emo.
By Phebe

yo, i don't think i'm gonna be able to meet up with you guys tonight. i have to pick up my emo from the airport.
By Ashil