Define Hedgie Meaning

A type of humor that postures itself as edgy, but rather than being a subversive challenge to unjust hegemonic belief systems, hedgyness reenforces them

"hey bro you know I love you but that joke about homeless people was super hedgy"
"you're right bro thanks for checking me on that. cruelty to homeless people does reenforce unjust hegemonic power structures, and that's not being a good bro to my fellow humans."
By Mersey
Hedge fund investors.

Billionaire boomers that are mad butt hurt because some Redditors are buying GameStop stocks and costing them money.

By Odette
Someone who works in the Hedge Fund industry.

Bro #1: Hey did you hear Brent is working at that new shop?!
Bro #2: Yeah, he's a Hedgie now..
By Jasmina
R fuk.

"Hey did you hear about those wall street guys who try to short companies into bankruptcy using counterfeit shares?"
"Yeah man, Hedgies R fuk."
By Iolande
A person with similar qualities to a hedgehog

By Florette
Iconic call from byron bay australia.
When you are feeling edgy for a kettle (bong) this constituted hedginess this being hedgy.

Times are rough and your hard out for the herb but no herb around for a solid hit of P.T.S (Pull Through Sensation) you may feel hedgy!

Lack of marijuana is the cause of hedginess.

stems from a picture of narabeen ex pro surfer Nathan hedge pulling an extreme hedgy head in a surf mag I stuck on my bar fridge in admiration of such powerful, core hedginess.

Fuck Iā€™m hedgy !!

Soooo hedgy !!!

This is brutal, so hedgy faaark!!!!

You hedgy lord? !!!!!!

Oh so hedgy!!!!

Hedginess be brutal !!!!
By Renell
Edgy The Hedgy
Shadow the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is the edgiest character because of how he acts and because of the things he says.

(Shadow appears)
Dude 1: Oh bois! Look who it is! It's Edgy the Hedgy!
Dude 2: Shut the fuck up.
By Kelly
a beut person hedge hedge babe!!!!

By Lindsy
Hedgies R Fkd
Hedge funds are gonna get liquidated and lose it all.

Shorts didn't close Hedgies R Fkd
By Kandy
Hedgies R Fkd
Hedge funds have no way out of a shit storm mess coming for them.

Margin call inbound

Chad gonna lose it all

Shorts didn't cover Hedgies R Fkd
By Arabella