Define Playa Meaning

A person who is competitive and gregarious by nature.

The skill of a playa is measured by the extent of his or her "game." The more "game" a playa has, the more respect they command in their community.

A person who has enough game (and hence, enough respect) can do whatever they want, dress however awful (or tacky) they want, say whatever crazy things they want to say, and still win the adoration of others. Often these skills are used to earn sexual or material favors, although not by necessity.

Playas are mostly motivated by the ego drive that comes with self expression and self manifestation for its own ends. In many ways, playas are trend-setters rather than trend-followers.

Game recognizes game, and a true playa will always give respect to a fellow playa when it is due. People who ignore (read: fail to notice), criticize, or alienate themselves from a playa without just cause is referred to as a "playa hater."

"I only got time for three types of people: pimps, hoes, and playas wearing Now-And-Later gators."
By Colene

By Vilhelmina
"I got hoes, I got hoes, in different area codes, area codes"

Becky patiently waited for her playa Jerome to exit from the facilities
By Emmalyn
A person that can pick up many chicks.

By Glenn
The Playa.

A common term for the environment/location where Burning Man is held.
The desert is made of the alkaline dust of an ancient sea bed, playa-dust, which gets into everything.

"Hey are you going to the Playa this year?"
"Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get the dust out of my stuff from last year anyway. Might as well go to another Burning Man."
By Ivie
when you can cheat on your g/f 25 times with her knowing about it and your still together for over a year

Damn Im Such A Playa
By Fancy
n Usually used to describe a juvenile male who carries a paging device, works in fast-food service, and has one or more illegitimate children.

Steve's a playa. He gets all the ho's. When he gets off work at McDonald's we are going to go get high and watch tv at his mom's apartment.
By Rickie
someone who is with more than one person at a time or who the intention of going out with someone while dating someone else, someone who has sex with many people

By Florrie
A f**k head that doesn't relise what they have, uses and abuses the one person that MITE have loved them, cheats and denies the whole thing, then when they get found out they admit it and say their SORRY. what a load of shit!!!!

BIANCA finally got caught cheating on her man... she is such a playa.
By Celine
1. part of a cactus (real word)
2. big daddy
3. someone goes with a bunch of bitches at same time.
4. sometimes it means an actual pimp
5. playboy
6. ladiesman

Big poppa puffy mase too short
By Claribel