Define Red Pilled Meaning

Red Pilled
enlightened; aware of the nature of the universe. Is a reference to The Matrix (blue pill or red pill)

"Wow, our philosophy professor is red pilled."
By Madelina
Red Pilled
To be informed of some truth. A reference to the Matrix.

This book really 'red pilled' me, I began to realise my body is but a mere machine.
By Sheelah
Red Pilled
While it once used to mean learning the "harsh" truth, as far as anyone could determine what "truth" means, Red Pilled now represents a group of people who have opened their minds to conspiracy theories so far that their brains have fallen out. Red Pilled individuals belive that actual "lizard people" roam the "Flat-Earth" and are actively spreading scientific lies, while simultaneously believing the terms 'Alpha and 'Beta' actually apply to human beings, and that Soy is somehow making men less "manly"; all of this without a shred of credible evidence.

"Did you hear? Dave got Red Pilled!"

"Oh no... he's too stupid to be allowed to live?"
By Kathlin
Red Pilled
Having become aware of the massive amount of leftist brainwashing and political pressure that is exerted in western societies by SJWs, 3rd wave feminism, white knights, big companies and mainstream media.

I used to be a liberal but Google's and MSM's reactions to James Damore's Google-Memo have got me red pilled.
By Analise
Red Pilled

I used to like Key & Peele, until I got red pilled.
By Faith
Red Pill
Red pill is the concept that what is presented as truth by the corporate press is, in fact, a carefully constructed narrative designed to keep some very unpleasant people in power.

My comfortable illusions fed to me by Fox and CNN were shattered when I realized we weren't nation building in the Middle East, but serving the interests of military tech corporations and politicians at the cost of peoples lives. I'd taken the Red pill.
By Maris
Red Pill
"This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." - Morpheus, The Matrix

'Red pill' has become a popular phrase among cyberculture and signifies a free-thinking attitude, and a waking up from a "normal" life of sloth and ignorance. Red pills prefer the truth, no matter how gritty and painful it may be.

By Jillie
The Red Pill
The original "Red Pill" is from a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix.

Morpheus offers Neo two pills. The red pill will answer the question “what is the Matrix?” (by removing him from it) and the blue pill simply for life to carry on as before. As Neo reaches for the red pill Morpheus warns Neo “Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.”

Why is the choice between what you believe you know and an unknown ‘real’ truth so fascinating? How could a choice possibly be made? On the one hand everyone you love and everything that you have built you life upon. One the other the promise only of truth.

The question then is not about pills, but what they stand for in these circumstances. The question is asking us whether reality, truth, is worth pursuing. The blue pill will leave us as we are, in a life consisting of habit, of things we believe we know. We are comfortable, we do not need truth to live. The blue pill symbolises commuting to work every day, or brushing your teeth.

If you want to get ahead in this company you need to take the blue pill and believe all the Vision and Values slop the management vomit up. Otherwise take the red pill and see what a shit show this is
By Rebbecca
The Red Pill
accepting reality for what it is, as you see with your own eyes, and not accepting what other people tell you reality is

jimmy took the red pill and now precedes with every new situation extreme caution.
By Karita
The Red Pill
The red pill is largely a reference to psychedelics in a scene from the movie "The Matrix". In that scene Morpheus says:

"You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

Psychedelics, when properly used, help break down social constructs of the world and help people see it for what it really is. This is illustrated in the scene when Neo takes the red pill and he begins to hallucinate in a manner consistent with psychedelics. Soon he wakes up, and for the first time, sees the real world around him. He realizes that since birth he was actually living confined in a small life-sustaining pod among millions of other pods, in what is basically a farm for people created by and run by machines. This imagery parallels our reality as many come to realize, whether through psychedelics or other means, the dogma of everyday life, the lack of individuality, and realize how much control and influence society has over our lives.

(Note: Some recently, as of 2020, have falsely interpreted "the red pill" to be a reference to The Republican Party of the Unites States since that party is often represented by the color red. However, the term "the red pill" was commonly used in association with The Matrix long before, since 1999, when The Matrix was released.)

By Twila