Define Riddies Meaning

short-hand term for ADHD drug ritalin, which is disputedly considered a poor man's cocaine.

let's crush up some riddies and blow a few lines
By Shoshanna
riddy or reddy in english, to be embarrassed

youve got a pure riddy ya diddy
That's a pure riddy,
By Dita

''Shit where's Dan at'', ''Ah he's not allowed out he was caught doing a Riddy''
By Malinda

Thank god he gave us Riddy
By Veronike
Ridiculous. What you say when you're too lazy to say the full word.

John, that Yoda mask is really meant for a kid, not an adult. It looks so riddy!
By Farah
Riddy Diddy Dacky
Ridiculous, esp. in the way in which ordinary everyday events tend to blow your mind.

By Manon
When Someone Makes You Soo Jealous Of There Beauty,Might,Smarts or Wealth That is Referred To As A Riddy

Omg Look at Brian He’s Making Me Soo Riddy Rn
By Miriam