Define Ternative Meaning

A post-indie genre of music. Characterized by authentic 2k9-2k10 post-blog-house bands.

indie bro: Hey bro vampy weekend amirite?
ternative bro: Not into mindie that much bro.. i like really chill stuff.. if u want to come listen to some ternative vinyl sometime its cool
By Jennilee
Tern is short for intern. Referring to an intern as tern allows you to both get the intern's attention without wasting more than one syllable on them.

"Hey, tern, get me coffee... and stop drooling."
By Elva
a simple word for "western movie"

I used to like terns, about cowboys particularly
By Mureil
A small nocturnal creature that lives in the woods.

The ternative is a native of Britain's woods, although incredibly scarce and rarely seen.
By Ami

Emma just texted me saying;

Meaning she wants anal ASAP
By Hendrika
The act of getting your NexusTK character leeched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and sharing inside your college dorm.

By Flory
"When you eat too many tacos and don't chit chat with people who don't like you, then write "mean" things online, and get kicked out of a group you weren't a member of."

Oh boy, Alain is going to get terned for his review for Verotika.
By Bekki
To simultaneously penetrate a women with a penis in each her vagina and butthole. Also referred to as "DP'ed."

"I was all subtle and stuff and then BOOM, Terned!!"
By Felicle
A really small penis, usually below 1" in both length and diameter.

Wow Becky, he really had a tern.
By Ileana
the name given to the growing category of words used to replace the word lol. With lol becoming increasingly diluted people feel the need to express an actual lol with lol-ternatives such as rofl, lmao and lolol.

Guy: lulz
Girl: Whats lulz?
Guy: My favourite lol-ternative

Guy: lol
Girl: you say that too much, try some lol-ternatives
By Mindy