Define Tool Meaning

One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A fool. A cretin. Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-steem.

That tool dosen't even know she's just using him.
By Ricca
That guy who makes us shake our head in disbelief but at the same time makes us feel better about ourselves since we are not him.

"Jake just spent $80 buying those hot chick shots and then they walked off with those other guys!" "He's such a tool!"

By George
(n.) - an individual who willingly changes his or her behavior for personal gain or profit. In this context, a tool is similar to a poser, with one important distinction. Because a tool does not consider his actions beyond rudimentary cost/benefit analysis, he or she will often be co-opted by corporations or powerful interest groups to support the lame or corrupt positions held by these organizations. A tool therefore, is quite literally an instrument of the man.

By Malissa
Typically a male, a tool is someone who needs a huge wake up call. They think they are God's gift to the world and will do the dumbest things to attempt to impress people, most commonly girls. Girls will laugh and this will lead this guys to believe that they are laughing because they think they are cute...but really, they are laughing because they think they are idiots. Tools also have the tendency to play with a girl's heart and not care because they think they are "hot" and can get away with anything. They may be attractive on the outside, but on the inside they are anything but.

Guy: Hey ladies, welcome to the gun show.
Girl: Wow, you're such a tool.
By Rosalinda
Contrary to what many people (usually tools) think, being a tool has nothing to do with being easily manipulated. Those people are simply "suckers". In fact, tools often take life too seriously, and therefore try too hard to manipulate others and to win everything, but always playing by the rules of society. Intellectual pursuits are not of any interest to a tool, and people who are interested in them are "stuck-up" or "faggy". A tool just likes to have a few beers, watch and talk about sports constantly, and refer to women as "sluts" and themselves "players". Tools are usually borderline retarded, but hide it well because they have the uncanny ability to conform almost perfectly to social norms.
If a movie, or song becomes popular in society, the tool will quickly adapt said movie or song as one of their favorites (see Lil' Jon, Souljah Boy, Boondock Saints). Their "social commentary" is often crudely taken from the last episode of South Park.

A tool can usually be spotted wearing a backwards baseball cap and athletic attire, playing beer pong at any large, obnoxious party where loud mainstream rap music is played.

"Whoaaaaaaaaa, party foul bro! What a fag!"

"Wow, that guy is such a tool."
By Merrile
Someone who tries too hard to fit in with everyone else.
Someone who can't think for themselves.
A fake person. Someone does things to impress people.
A person who wears only "branded" or "labelled" clothing and thinks that it makes them cooler than others.
A person who tries hard to impress other people
Someone who wears two brightly colored collared shirts at the same time and pops both of their collars.
In extreme cases, the tool looks like a Vampire (Count Chocula).

Someone who takes a picture of you on their camera phone when you're copying homework in lunch and threatens to show it to your teacher is a tool. No one likes the tool and everyone talks behind his back.
By Angele
Someone who writes a definition for a word on Urban Dictionary that has been posted a billion times before. If the definition is already there, why the fuck would you waste your time posting the exact same thing?

A tool is a person who is used by other peo--STFU already!

I wrote this on an impulse. I wrote that on an impulse. I don't need to justify anything to you! Whatever, its just the internet.(ahhh closure)
By Dulsea
A sad soul who is being used by others often without even realizing it. Often times people other than the "tool" realize what's going on but choose to laugh at the "tool" instead. It is often very sad as the tool usually finds out after he has been all used up and been made a fool of.

Sometimes a tool is thought of as a jerk, but is usually a nice generous guy who doesn't mind doing favors. Most of the time the tool is just going through depression or thinks that if he does things it will get people off his back.

Tools often are put down as most people don't really like them. Tools are also too stupid to know when they're being used. If you see someone being used you should help them out; most of their "friends" are often lying to them to make them look like an ass in public. Tools can be spotted by causing scenes in public, and people telling them that they're "cool".

Person 1: So that bitch Jessica was just using him like a tool for his homework?
Person 2: Yeah, he was oblivious. She messed with his head just because he would do things for her. He thought he was in love. I tried to help him out, but it just wouldn't work out. After he found out he was so embarrassed and started to cry.
Person 1: How sad. She really is a bitch.
Person 2: And to think that she went out with him knowing how much it would break his heart. I don't think she ever really liked him for who he was.
Person 1: Well at least he can learn from this.
Person 2: Yeah, he's a good guy.
By Atlanta
One who is completely oblivious to the fact that no one likes them. Tool's come in many different forms, however most tool's tend to have a picture of every angle possible of themselves on the computer.

wow, JoEyYy pIMpZ$ from myspace is such a tool.
By Denys
Someone who is easily manipulated by others, because they substitute the judgment and/or approval of others for their own. The others can be admired friends, strangers or potential mates whose approval the tool seeks. Especially in interpersonal situations, the tool will seek approval from the other, but fail to exercise their own judgment about whether the other person is good or right for them. Alternately, the tool will allow public figures, advertising, or other mass media to replace or form their own opinions on any number of subjects -- most evident in fashion and music choices (often fads or heavily marketed products of suspect quality or style). Somewhat less obvious are tools whose opinions on current events are parroted from sources thought by the tool to be reliably correct -- if you don't follow current events, or didn't come across the original source, you might not realize they hadn't actually given their opinion much thought beyond memorizing the highlights. The recurring theme is that the tool avoids using their own judgment, sometimes even failing to acquire an ersatz opinion; instead just seeking approval. The tool is an open field for anyone who would like to use them for their own purposes. When they choose very poorly, it is obvious to most that the tool has been manipulated and was foolish to have allowed it. Usually singular in actual usage, but sometimes phrases like 'tool shed' or 'hardware store' are used to refer to groups seen as clearly lacking common sense.

a) Did you hear that guy? "Brown is the new black"? What a tool.

b) That tool paid for her fancy dinners all over town for *at least two months* and only kissed her like once!

c) staff in a hotel: "Who rented out the Pacific Room this weekend?" "'Real Estate Riches' seminar, free admission." "Ha, that'll be a tool barn."
By Georgetta