A sad soul who is
being used by others often without even realizing it. Often times people other than the "tool" realize what's going on but choose to laugh at the "tool" instead. It is often very sad as
the tool usually finds out after he has been all
used up and been made a fool of.
a tool is thought of as a jerk, but is usually a nice generous guy who doesn't mind doing favors. Most of the time the tool is just going through depression or thinks that if he does things it will get people off his back.
Tools often are put down as most people don't really like them. Tools are also too stupid to know when they're being used. If you see someone being used you should help them out; most of their "friends" are often lying to them to make them look like an ass in public. Tools can be spotted by causing
scenes in public, and people telling them that they're "cool".
Person 1: So that bitch Jessica was just using him like a tool for his homework?
Person 2: Yeah, he was oblivious. She messed with his head just because he would do things for her. He thought he was in love. I tried to help him out, but it just wouldn't work out. After he found out he was so embarrassed and started to cry.
Person 1:
How sad. She really is a bitch.
Person 2: And to think that she went out with him knowing how much it would break his heart. I don't think she ever really liked him for
who he was.
Person 1: Well at least he can learn from this.
Person 2: Yeah, he's
a good guy.