Define Busy Meaning

Non-descript excuse someone gives you when they're trying to get out of meeting or spending time with you. Similar to "I have plans". Basically means they're not into you.

Girl: Hey, you're on vacation this week right? Wanna come over and hang out?

Guy: Ummm sorry I can't; I'm busy
By Liana
Attempting to seem important, and not being shy about it.

I'm so busy that I can't keep up with all my phone calls and emails! I am so important.
By Sybyl
1. to give the appearance of being occupied when the actions are really trivial and not time consuming

2. Being unable to do things because of excessive jarheading

3. Masturbation

4. Being socially retarded

"Ive got to go home, do homework, play the guitar and watch jarhead *sigh* sometimes I'm Just so busy."

"Oh he's getting busy..ya know jarhead"

"Dude, that girl is so hot, by the way I'm going to be busy tonight"

"-He's such a dick

-He's just so busy"
By Kerrill
To get "Freaky"; Let it all out by dancing or other words

By Jaclyn

Watch out, here comes a busy.
By Eveline
a good feeling after an ordeal

that party was very busy
By Allis
to be work one's self into a frenzy of anger, stress, or otherwise unpleasent moods towards another person

stop getting all busy on me man!
By Zonnya

Yo son, im about to busy from this whack party.
By Ebony
adj (gay) or n. (gay)

Girl 1: Where is Joe tonight" Girl 2: He couldn't make it out becuase he was too "busy". Girl 1: that what they are calling it these days. (This is how it was created....It works great in all situations. You should try it.)
By Astra
Business Is Business
meaning certain acts necessitate the involvement of financial exchange rather than being done as a favour. Also used as an excuse for unscrupulous acts of financial gain. Popular with City Boys in London, and Essex

Hornchurch lad ripping off good folk for a quick make..."Business is Business"
By Hatty