Define Cigars Meaning

Huge non-filtered pieces of rolled tobacco (tobacco rolled in tobacco leaves) that are heavy in nicotine and in large numbers can kill you.

Hey, man, don't smoke that bigass cigar. Here, have a cigarette.
By Latisha
What REAL men puff. That...and a pipe.

Smoke your cockarette, and look like a poor-ass. Wh' m' pi' gon'?
By Vikki
The only phallic shaped object you can put in your mouth and look even manlier.

He earned his man card lookin' bad ass with that cigar.
By Orly
The most badass thing you can put in your mouth.

It took me 3 minutes trying to think of an example before writing this.
By Dot
A cigar is a bundle of tightly rolled dried and fermented tobacco. There are many different sizes and shapes, known as the "vitola". The most common shape is the "Corona", known also as a "Parejo".

"I will have a Montecristo No.7 cigar please".
By Peggi
object bill clinton used to penetrate monica lewinski. he later proceeded to smoke it.

she totally got cigarred in the oval office!
By Anni
Sometimes, only a cigar.

Sometimes a cigar is only a cigar.--Freud
By Hedda
If you put a lollipop in your mouth and smoke was coming from the other end, that is a cigar. Best thing in the world to build up your immune system.

Light me up cigar, I'm craving some good medicine.
By Denys
A breath freshener for someone who eats shit

DJ Eats so much shit he smokes cigars to make his breath smell better
By Emili
The most badass manliest instrument a person can smoke or something to do when you got an hour to kill. It gets you buzzed and lightheaded.
Also can be a huge crap you took after a night of drinking.

The cigar shit I had last night while smoking a cigar was the size fricken the size of a Churchill!
By Codee