Define Frends Meaning

A person that you do not know in real life, yet are friends on the internet.

Me and Luigiman59, we're frends.
By Bonny
It is a bad spelling of friend also they are not real.

By Chloe
Its when u misstype friend . (like un idiot)

Can u be my frend ?
What the nani is a frend ?@!?!?@#!$?
By Jesselyn
Bef Frend
A person who is generally awesome and that is your "bef frend"

By Lucine
When two friends have an argument, their frendship might temporarily end.

Ugh, we're not frends right now because of that stupid comment, just friends -- but it's just for a bit
By Tallia
Lokinverha Frend
(LOOK-ING- Ver-A-FREE-END )Pharase Someone who is looking for a friend to get them out of a jam. In this instance it's the friend who told them not to go in the first place, and is the only friend with the means to help.

I got stuck down here now I'm Lokinverha frend that could help me get home.
By Maitilde