Define Post-party Depression Meaning

Post-party Depression
the low you hit after a great party

dan: dude, why you so bummed? that party was great!
john: just post-party depression
By Petronilla
Post-party Depression
Feeling letdown, gloomy, or sometimes even lonely the day (or days) following a party or other enjoyable social event.

Person One: "What did you do all day Sunday?"
Person Two: "I was easing my post-party depression by laying in bed watching Buffy all day."

By Joscelin
Post-party Depression
Basically hungover but with remorse and pain that results from over doing it the night before.

"Man all day I was lying around thinking 'I want my mommy'...
I had post-party depression.
By Elli
Post-Party Depression
is commonly experienced following parties of any kind. Severity of symptoms may depend on a number of variables, two of which being the duration of the event, and general level of epicness. The symptoms of depression may include, but are not limited to: feelings of emptiness, loneliness, disconnect, gloominess, and general sadness. The individual may feel reclusive, or oppositely, the need to connect with certain people -- possibly both. Once everyone has gone their separate ways, the world feels empty, and one may feel disconnected from it. Their emotions feel detuned and/or out of tune, creating an inescapable feeling of dissonance. For the time being, one is without their much needed sense of normality which, while emotionally disconcerting, may cause him or her to become very reflective in a rather nostalgic way.

Treatment for Post-Party Depression: Naps, watching your favorite TV shows, watching movies, comfort foods, relaxing, playing old video games, talking to people online or on the phone, post-poning any obligations until symptoms subside.
By Samantha
Post Party Depression
intense feeling of loneliness and nostalgia, following an awesome night and/or weekend of getting drunk and hooking up

Omg, I had so much fun last night with Tyler. This post party depression is killing me. Do you think he's gonna call?
By Penelopa
Post-Party Depression
PPD (Also known as PED, or Post-Excitement Depression) or Post-Party Depression is an emotion that is usually felt after moments of intense excitement or fun, such as a party. This is usually experienced right after you arrive home from the "party", and begin to compare your current life with your life from a few hours ago, which was full of fun and excitement. Your current life looks completely bland and as if nothing will ever be as good as that party or experience. This is the source of PPD

Guy 1: Man, I feel down.
Guy 2: Why?

Guy 1: Not sure, I just feel down after that party.
Guy 2: Eh don't worry about it, it's probably just Post-Party Depression. Happens to a lot of people
By Kore
Post-Party Depression
The feeling you have after a big party you had been anticipating is over.

On sunday, I was experiencing post-party depression. After planning the big celebration for a month, I was sad when it was over.
By Emera
Post Party Depression
In which one attends such an awesome party, that the next few days seem bland and horrible.

Most of year 10 at MWSC was suffering pretty bad Post Party Depression after the prom last friday. the rest where all hung over.
By Vitoria
Post Party Depression
The feeling of embarrassment and regret the day after a party.
The feeling of making a fool of yourself when you were drinking the night before even when you didn't do anything embarrassing.

Why are you so sad and distant every day after we all drink?

It's my post party depression.
By Junia
Post Party Depression
waking up after a party; wondering why you have a sharpie mustache, wondering where your left shoe is, why theres a bowling ball in the yard, how trashed your house is, why theres a black man laying ontop of you, and have a horrible hangover.

person1: yo, i'm suffering from a serious case of post party depression.
person2: your house is so trashed its going to take like a week to clean it all.
By Joane