Define The Crud Meaning

The Crud
When you turn into a walking snot ball you have "The Crud" You cough up mucus and your nose runs constantly therefor the use of the word "crud".

You go to the office and you cough and blow your nose for an hour and a coworker asks "what's wrong with you?" Yo respond, "I have the crud".
By Jaymee
The Crud
An outbreak of Herpes Simplex II on the mouth, genitals, anus, or other body part.

Suzie didn't make Jimbo wear a condom, and now she's got the crud.
By Marillin
Some good marijuana; also referred to as kush.

By Emelia
One of the most useful words used for 'Crap'. Kids use it so the high-strung parents won't throw a fit.

"CRUD! My gerbil just ate my term paper!"
"What the crud is going on?"
"this is just crudtacular."
By Auria

By Haleigh
A Euphemism for crap, which is a substitute for shit.

Oh shi...cra...crud! I left my homework at the library!
By Eleonore
Crud is that stuff that you find caked on to the back of a household oven. It also is popular with little kids for a substitute fof "crap", so they don't get in trouble and have to go to the office.

By Cate
Database access terminology - create, read, update and delete

The data access layer framework that has been developed can be used for typical CRUD work.
By Pet
a word used instead of "crap" most people say this if they do not curse so instead they use crud which sounds very similar yet some people who curse say crud anyway. crud can mean poop, sludge, slime, or pretty much anything goopy or sludgy.

aw crud
By Gwenni
DC Metro Slang

to be messed up or f-cked up.

My boyfriend was supposed to come over tonight, but then he went out with his friends. That's crud.
By Agace