Define Bunty Meaning

verb. the act of stealing or taking.

I buntied your pen.
I buntied your place in line.
If you get infront or cut someone off at a traffic light, you would yell: BUNTY!!! or if you take anything from anyone like a pen or whatever, you would yell BUNTY!
By Brunhilda
A bunty is the proper ghetto way of describing a "boost" or a hand, in helping an individual to climb an otherwise insurmountable object, by way of directing both hands towards each other and interlocking/overlapping the fingers so as to create an artificial "step" for the climber's foot.
Another method is to put both wrists together and make a bowl-like shape with the hands/fingers for the climbers foot.

"Hee-aw Git, giz a bunty climbin' up dey-aw ti geh me ball ourra de tree..."
By Loella
a small obese burgandy monster with buldgy white eyes,a nose like a loose asshole,a big smily mouth,tiny front legs and a tail.

By Rosabelle
most commonly referred to as Poot, a short, round, rather rotund person of the tiny stature. The state of being often results in being punted.

oh my gosh Poot, you are so bunty...this evening
By Suzette
a little lamb, sorta like a pet name.
(aka the word charles from the webtoon lets play likes to use to describe sam)

Charles: Bunty is not meant as an insult
By Maiga
An English/Scottish pet name, used as a term of endearment. It means a short, plump person, originating from the word buntin, meaning stout.

By Trula
Another word for the female genital region, the vagina.

I fucked her right in the bunty.

Aww he's being a right bunty
By Celestia

i usually date black girls, but im loooking for a bunty tonight
By Coralie
A term for well respected individuals who are considered to be very intelligent.

"Your one heck of a Bunty"
By Ermentrude
A word used to to describe your bed

L: Stuart, what you doing tonight
Stuart: Putting my jammies on and going to my bunties
By Deva