Define Denier Meaning

One of the most important features of tights is the denier. Denier is a unit of weight used for determining the fineness or thickness of the tights. The lower the denier value, the more fragile, sheer, and thinner the tights are. The higher the number the more opaque, thicker, stronger the tights.

Amy: I want the 200 denier black tights for fall/winter.
Angel: I want the red 40 denier tights, I could just look so cute with them and my outfit.
By Dale
"Deniers" are the people that refuse to accept the reality that no matter how many times you tell the lies about Barack's birth certificate it will never become the truth...

I was watching "The View" the other day and that group of Yentas was sitting there arguing with Donald Trump about Barry Soetoro's birthplace and not a single one of them used a shred of verifiable proof to bolster their case... I'm so sick of these Deniers... if you can't prove "your truth"... it will never be anything but a lie...
By Kalie
Karen Denier
An ole fashioned busybody who thinks its their job to point out their neighbors transgressions, then when you point out they are a Karen they use semantics and other made up definitions on UD to save the humiliation of being labeled a Karen. Also know as a "YadKaren".

Dang did you see Bob go at his neighbor again for the fence that was 2 inches above code?

Yeah I've talked to Bob, he is a karen denier, there is no hope but he does have cold beer
By Cathrine
Santa Denier
Idiotic in-denial simpletons who desperately want to repudiate whom is clearly real.

You're a santa denier!? Let me guess, you think the parents deliver the presents??? You must be insane.
By Tabina
Facebook Denier
Someone who is completely addicted to Facebook, but tries to claim they really aren't when mocked about their addiction. They claim they "rarely use" Facebook. Like a crackhead, they just want to log into Facebook "one last time".

The FB denier is usually an adult, as at least teeny boppers have the decency to flat out admit they are addicted.

Jr (a prototypical Facebook denier): I rarely use Facebook.

Kip: Yo brutha, see that My Little Pony group on FB??

Jr: No. Sweet! Add me, bro!
By Pansy
Lolocaust Denier
The single person in a group who rejects a joke as unfunny, while all others regard it as devastatingly funny and potentially capable of causing 6 million people to die of laughter.
Often someone who is generally considered to have a poor or weak sense of humour.

Phil: Dave didn't laugh once during that Flight of the Conchords show
Harry: I know man, what a lolocaust denier
By Beatriz
Covid Denier
A person who covers-up or denies the existence of the ongoing coronavirus

bob: we must stop the spread of the coronavirus.

covid denier: there is no coronavirus it's just a flew!
By Chere
Oxygen Denier
a term used to label a member of the oxygen is fake community, somebody who believes that oxygen is a government created concept used to push the climate change agenda.

Bod: Have you ever realised we can never see, smell or hear oxygen?

Paul McCartney: Yeah man, I've been an oxygen denier for years now.
By Donnamarie
Climate Denier
Forget climate change, this person doesn’t believe that climate exists.

They believe the climate is a government conspiracy designed so that people would keep buying winter clothes and umbrellas. They are constantly insisting there’s never been any change in any climate conditions, even between June and January.

Oh no, those climate deniers are setting fire to umbrella stores again!
By Misti
Brexit Denier
A person who refused to admit that the Brexit is forcing the price of item to go up, and also that people will have less money to spend.

Remainer: Fucking price of Petrol nowadays since this country opted for Brexit.!!!

Brexiteer: That has nothing to do with the Brexit.

Remainer: You are a Brexit Denier.
By Melisse