Define Name Name Meaning

Name Name
A "name name" is a name that is common and/or unexciting. The word grouping "name name" was coined in mid-2004 in Canada by a young female wordsmith after downing a potent libationary beverage after a long shift at work.

Emily, the most popular baby name for girls in 2003 (according to the U.S. Social Security Administration), is a name name.
By Mufinella
A Two Name, Name
A freak whose name is spelled incorrectly on their birth certificate and bags groceries at Albertsons.

Jaen Paul is a two name, name. He never wants to do his homework because he is out busy playing poker and shopping for shoes.
By Celestia
My Name My Name My Name
What someone says when they want you to search their name in the urban dictionary.

Hey search my name my name my name!
By Brinn
First Name - First Name
When a person has multiple first names.

The amount of first names someone is given denotes how inbred a person is in their family tree.

Mary-Ann (first name - first name) is your sister-cousin because your mom had sex with your uncle.
By Jacquie
My Name Is (last Name Here), (first Name Here) (last Name Here)
a dramatic way of introducing yourself, usually if you are an international superspy

my name is Bond, James Bond.
my name is Blart, Paul Blart.
my name is (last name here), (first name here) (last name here)
By Marlene
First Name My Last Name
To take someone's first name + my + last name. So it becomes something quite dirty.

For example (first name my last name): you can Chris my Jones anytime, if you know what i mean!
By Isabelita
All I Hear Is My Name Is (name) And I Make Excuses
Used to make fun of someone making an excuse for being bad at something or for something bad that happened to them because of his or her own fault or action

Note: In "All I hear is my name is (name) and i make excuses." replace name with persons name

Alex just lost at foosball:

Alex: "God. You have too much luck and the table is slanted."

Julio:"All I hear is my name is Alex and I make excuses."
By Alejandrina
Last Name= [last Name =]
Used on myspace usually in their quote, to tell potential friends what their last name is listed as, as to better allow them to send a friend request(as sometimes the settings require a last name). not always real last name, and usually not

last name= last name = means what is already previously stated above
By Eva
Hello, My Name Is [name], The Android Sent By Cyberlife
The standard introduction used by Cyberlife androids. Can also be shortened to "My name is name".

Android: Hello, my name is name, the android sent by Cyberlife.
Hank: ...You can't be serious.
By Ellene